Once again, I hit the random selector on my list of music and pull the lyrics from 10 songs. And it's up to you to identify the song and the performing artist/band.
Here's the list:
1) And when that I have murdered the man in the moon to a powder
2) Now, I don't mind, I'm chopping wood and I don't care if the money's no good
3) I look into the mirror, I see no happiness. All the warmth I gave you has turned to emptiness
4) You followed me through changes and patiently you'd wait, till I came to my senses through some miracle of fate
5) Dressing up in costumes, playing silly games, hiding out in tree-tops, shouting out rude names
6) I am falling down the stairs, I am skipping on the sidewalk
7) In the shade of a jungle glade, or the rush of the crushing street
8) All my thoughts of outrage, embarrassment and pain were washed away by what then went roaring through my brain
9) There is no more unethical treatment of the elephants.
10) Is it on then, are we on the brink? We wish you'd all throw in the towel
And I owe you an answer as well. I had asked a different set of lyrics. So here are the answers:
1) And everything worked out fine in the end. Cher and Sonny broke up, but they'll always be friends. - No one got this one. Hollywood's Ending by Ookla The Mok.
2) Somewhere just beyond the mist, spirits were seen flying, as the lightning led her way through the dark. - points go to
lovechilde for knowing Blackmore's Night and Shadow Of The Moon
3) We can circle around like hurricanes, dance and dream like lovers. - This is the Rush song that
joebrown42 was looking for. It's Force Ten
4) So I went to the park and I took some paper along and that's where I made this song. - Another that no one got. Rednecks by Randy Newman
5) And all I do is miss you, and the way we used to be. All I do is keep the beat, the bad company. - Romeo and Juliet by Dire Straits. Points to
redaxe6) And if I swallow anything evil, put your finger down my throat. - Behind Blue Eyes, by The Who.
filkertom and
redaxe got this one.
7) He said, "In winter 1963, it felt like the world would freeze with John F. Kennedy and the Beatles." - Kudos to
adrianna_r. Dream Academy is the band who sang Life In A Northern Town.
8) Oh, there's lots that I could say. But just hold me now 'cause our love will light the way. - Heaven by Bryan Adams.
joebrown42 knew this one.
9) I bought a toothbrush, some toothpaste, a flannel for my face, pyjamas, a hairbrush, new shoes and a case. -
redaxe got this one also. Tempted by Squeeze
10) Watch the sparrow falling, gives new meaning to it all, if not today nor yet tomorrow then some other day. -
lovechilde got this one also. Pull Me Under by Dream Theater.