(no subject)

Jun 28, 2006 20:37

Sooo, haven't made a proper entry in a while. 'Spose I should. Biggest recent development: we done moveded! We've still got a lot of boxes to unpack, but everything is here and our old apartment has probably already been rented out to some other poor suckers. I'm really enjoying the place a lot. It feels...more adult somehow. Maybe it's all the sunlight that comes in on the second floor or something. Having Comcrack digital cable doesn't hurt, either.

Other than that, I've mostly just been working lately. Thee S-Bux has been hit and miss lately. Some good days, some shitty ones. I was really hoping I'd be able to start taking the bus home from work after we moved, but due to Cobb County's quite utterly retarded bus system, it takes me around three hours to get home. In fact, Friday I got so frustrated that I gave up on waiting for my connecting bus and just walked the five miles or so home. In the 97º heat. And I still beat the damn bus home. I felt uberhardcore, but also kinda like I was gonna die. So, I'm gonna have to change my schedule at work. Never thought I'd say this, but I think I'm actually going to miss opening. Not the whole getting up at 4AM part, but a lot of my friends at work are on the opening shift and it'll be a bummer not to see them as much.

The one thing I have actually been doing is going to concerts. Christine & I saw NIN twice a couple weeks ago, once in Atlanta and once in North Carolina. Both were really great shows, even though I'm not the biggest NIN fan. The NC show was especially good, as the band played against the backdrop of a crazy-ass lightning storm.

We also got to see Pig play in Atlanta. Only took 'em nine years to come back around (no, the Sturm & Drang tour with KMFDM doesn't count). I gotta say, it was actually worth the wait. Seriously. There were a couple of tech glitches and Raymond forgot some of the lyrics (which was endearingly goofy), but man, seeing stuff like No One Gets Out of Her Alive, Secret Skin and The Sick live was beyond fantastic. On top of that, I got to go hang out with Raymond & company on the tour bus after the show for about an hour and a half. It was quite possibly one of the coolest things to ever happen to me. Raymond was amazingly charming and down-to-earth. He was also surprisingly candid, talking about everything from his mother to internet message boards to the nuances of European toilets. Here's a picture I sneaked while he was noodling on his guitar next to me:

It still blows my mind that I got to sit next to Raymond Watts on a tour bus and listen to him play guitar.

Finally, on an extremely dorky note, I realized that all the people I went the Pig show with I'd either met online or at a comic book shop. Pwn!
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