Turning back to politics...
The recent protests and rallies by illegal immigrants protesting immigration reform have been interesting. I’ve never seen so many criminals gathered at once to demand legalization of their crime. I’m also amazed that these people break our laws and then say they should be rewarded with citizenship because of the time they’ve spent here underground and demand that they have a right to work here. This right could be guaranteed to them under the Mexican constitution. I haven’t read theirs, but I know ours says nothing about this right.
I want to try an experiment. Let's send 11 million Americans to another country illegally and start demanding jobs, social services, and citizenship to see how that country would react. Seems perfectly legitimate.
I also find it amazing that so many Hispanics refuse assimilation saying it hurts their communities. Yes, we need to respect the integrity of your communities. It’s obvious that people who refuse to even become rudimentarily literate along with avoiding becoming fluent in English are no problem for our communities. Respecting community integrity and not assimilating people into mainstream society has obviously yielded excellent results in Europe.
And while these protests seemed to be a positive showing for open immigration policies, I think it’s pissed off more people than they realized. The border is becoming a bigger issue all the time and more and more people want it closed.
Of course, people try to argue it can’t be done. Honestly, it’s probably impossible to completely and humanely seal our border. However, Mexican immigration is an easy thing to stop. The problem is not that we can’t stop it. Our government doesn’t want to. It’s politically and economically messy.
I say it’s ridiculous to say most projects are beyond our government. Our government could easily and expediently end illegal Mexican immigration if it wanted to and prioritized it.
All it would take to end mass Mexican immigration:
1) Make it harder for illegals to get in
-Station the National Guard on the border.*
-Build fences.** Monitor where the infiltrations happen. Respond immediately.
2) Create no incentive to hire illegals
-Enact a minimum wage for illegals.***
-Pay them equal to or greater than American workers.
-Enact a law that triples civil penalties for breaking the above labor law.
3) Punish those who hire them
-Send a few CEOs to Federal Ass-rape Prison
-Send a few Betty Sue Homemakers, too.
-Make the media cover every moment of it.
-Accuse them of being unpatriotic.
4) Remove support for illegal immmigrants
-Deny all illegals social services and education.
-Make it mandatory to report this and investigate applications.
-Deport violators immediately.
5) Deport all illegals currently in the country
-Long process, but it has to start somewhere.
-11 million less people in the country in the country.
* Yes, the National Guard is more than capable of handling this.
** And if we employ illegal aliens to build the fence, it’ll come in under budget.
*** I’m sure you think nobody would follow this law, but I’ve created a lawyer’s cream dream where there’s a law people don’t want to follow but breaking it means they pay triple the damages. There may be a code of silence about their illegal status and employer conduct in order to keep their jobs, but all it takes is one lawyer to explain contingency fees and the prospect of a multi-million dollar lawsuit to unleash the flood. And don’t think there’s not a lawyer greedy enough or a Mexican hopeful enough to bring the suit.
It would not happen over night, but when it’s harder to get across the border, few will hire them, and there’s no incentive to stay to benefit their children and we actually start rounding them up en masse, they will stop coming.
Problem solved.
Now, to deal with the new problem, which is how to get cheap labor in our country to do the jobs we don’t want to do. Damn, what happened to all these illegal immigrants we could exploit?
So, we’d need a guest worker system. I like my idea of building a bullet train from the United States to Mexico. They fill out some forms identifying themselves, their skills, etc. and we give them a ride to jobs and home. They violate the contract, they lose their privilege to work here.
More importantly, we’d have a bullet train to Mexico. That’d be sweet. Cancun every holiday weekend.
Or we could do whatever Bush wants to do with his guest worker program. I assure you, it’s not as cool as a bullet train.
If you want to go a more extremist route, I think it’d be workable to annex Mexico as an organized unincorporated territory of the United States directly ruled by the U.S. Congress until their corrupt government is reorganized. With American law pushing them around with the RICO Act and imminent domain, it’ll be a first rate territorial possession in no time. 11 million Mexicans demanding rights and citizenship can’t be wrong. That’s almost 10% of the Mexican population basically asking for us to incorporate Mexico. There’s a saying “My stomach is in the United States, but my heart is in Mexico.” By annexing Mexico, their organs would get a happy reunion.
Democrats, you need to adopt my imperialist position on Mexico. It’s probably the only way your candidates will start winning elections without actually standing for something.
One aside… Seriously, people need to make up their mind on immigration and population issues. You can’t be taken seriously when one moment you criticize the U.S. as over-populated and think our population needs some controls but turn around and refuse to limit immigration. Pick a policy, assholes.
In conclusion, the border is a clusterfuck of problems nobody seems willing to effectively deal with because of how many interests are at stake.