Nov 05, 2008 10:56
A Quote:
"Wars and elections are both too big and too small to matter in the long run. The daily work - that goes on, it adds up."
-Barbara Kingsolver
Some people are massively elated that we elected our first non-passing black president, meaning you can REALLY tell he's black, un-like our first black president: Lincoln.
Good for you. This truly is an historical event. But I'll let you know that there is so much hype around you that if you keep your emotions this high, at some point in these next for years, because there's no person alive who can live up to the hype Obama has. Be careful about that, because he's going to make mistakes, and he's going to let you down.
Be wary you resist the urge to sting him up when that happens.
Some other people are way too depressed about this election. They realize this guy is not all he's cracked up to be.
Good for you. The office of the President should not be viewed as a kingship. The president rules with the will of the people, and must continue to earn his position under CLOSE scrutiny and against opposition from all sides, and if he's not up to snuff, we give him the boot. But the thing I said about hype works bi-directional. He's probably not nearly as bad as our worst fears. He will likely do some good.
I'll be honest, I already knew the result of this election the first time I watched "Head Of State" starring Chris Rock. All McCain would have needed would be to be Sharon Stone's cousin. That, and we need Obama to yell "SECURITY" a lot and we have pretty much the same script.
The election doesn't in the long run, change much. It doesn't change my marriage, it doesn't change the fact that I will go to work today. Don't get me wrong, I'm not apathetic about this. I didn't vote for either guy. But I'll tell you what, a moderate but hopeful attitude is required every changing of the guard. Keep faith, one way or the other, and cotinue to grow and keep a positive attitude.
Remember, a positive attitude doesn't come from what happens outside of us. It comes from what's in us.