Jul 29, 2007 01:56
alright. let's see here... i am sitting down at my computer obviously. quite a long week, i guess? i feel like i am always waiting in the longest line for a roller coaster. you wait, and wait, and after waiting for 20 minutes you go on a 50 second ride with a few loops. what is the payoff? i don't know for sure. i always loved roller coasters as a kid, maybe that is methodical.
i just watched the old dick tracy movie earlier today, i used to watch that all the time when i was a kid... including hook with robin williams. i have always felt the earlier the movies like that have better special effects. i think the dinosaurs they had in jurassic park looked more real than the shitty cgi dinosaurs they have in movies now adays, (king kong was a piece of shit). i made parallels of the dick tracy movie from the early 90's to sin city. it's pretty dead on. i'd say so. the train scene looked like it had inspired sin city quite a bit. that old dick tracy movie makes me want to eat a peanut butter sandwich.
i can't remember how old i was when i had shoes less than a size 6.
i just told someone the other day i got pubes in the third grade. i had so many people telling me they got them in high school. hahaha. i guess that's what i get for being french canadian.