Jan 31, 2005 16:09
Ive been thinking about it for a while now. Do I like her or not or do I just wonder to much? Well today I think I figured it out. I DO!!! I like her but she doesnt know it (yet) i dont know how to tell her because she has a weird relationship goin on with this guy but they arnt dating they were but she broke up with him and he's not willing to let it go so anyone that trys tyo talk to her he pretty much kicks their ass but h did that thursday and now he is being panneled at school for it and probably gonna get kicked out so thats good for me but i need to know how to tell her maybe ill just send flowers or something for valentines day idk if anyone has any ideas tell me!!!! i need some
Well onto today it was ok i went to school and saw Adi first thing so we hung out before school the first period was boring we did a lab thats about it second period my teacher started talking about some guy who paints pictures of things and people and makes them fat even if they arnt so i told her he wouldnt have to worry if he painted her i thought she would get mad but she just laughed then 3rd period we reviewed for the test im gonna Ace tomarrow and thats cool then 4th period i slept the whole period i have no idea what happened in that class 5th period we read more of Julius Caesar i still dont understand whats goin on but we are gonna watch the movie before the test so o well then 6th period we finished the lab we started friday my partner in there from now on is gonna be annetta (Looks really good) but shes smart as hell and she helped me on it a lot so ye then when i got home i went with my mom to take our taxes stuff to the people whos do them cause idk what to do so ye then i came home and here i am again bored...
The top part is not about Noel nor Adi