the war has begun. i have my allies.

Mar 06, 2005 01:03

Jes (lillover4u) wrote,
@ 2005-03-03 20:46:00

Current mood: bitchy

Mr, Josh Dill... since you dont have the balls to let any one with an sn speak thier mind on your LJ ill do it on my own.... You messed up big time.. You met one of the most amazing people in the world. I have walked so many guys walk all over her and she still forgave them.. She gave me the strenght and the friendship when I needed it most. I love her as more than I sister and I have watched her break down the last few days over you.. I walked you rip her beating heart out.., You said you loved her and yet you fuck some other girl.. wow if you think that is love you need learn the real meaning of it.. Oh yea and as for me being a slut your the one that just had sex with someone the day after you and this amazing girl.. FYI for you... I didnt cheat on andrew and you know your really stupid.. i hate you and dont come back if you know whats really good... jus a fair warning people out here dont like you any more...

Much love to everyone else Jessica Diane Brown-Lucas-Anderson(Jami)


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From: josh_dill
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2005-03-04 04:00 (link)
Couldn't have said it much better myself. Oh, except that it is fucked up to say shit like that about your 'best friend's girlfriend.
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2005-03-04 06:52 (link)
someone talks shit about you, you let me know, I will fuck them up so bad that they won't be able to identify the body
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2005-03-04 11:06 (link)
why thank you Ken your such a good bro!
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ignorant slut...
2005-03-06 05:16 (link)
awww... i knew the whore had a pair of balls. yay jes-skank-a! go you. you dumb slut, you dont get it, do you? i will never be alone, and me and gerber are working our shit out between me and her, no one else. and i totally understand why her friends are warning her about me, what i did was shitty. i apologized. all that can be done nbow is her to forgive me if she can. if not, i wish her a very happy life. she is a great girl. and dont even pretend to be her friend. you know your a fake, and so do awhole lot of others. but you prolly already know that. and who am i to call you out like that? telling you you have no friends? thats not my place. i know i have love for me from the family. and the family hates you, recognizes you for what you are. the beginning of the "viscious cycle". it all some how involves you hurting someone, or annoying them, or pissing them off. i have not known anyone who is as disliked as you in my entire life. and i am talking shit about you. to you. and i will to your face. at the mall, we yelled skank. cause we cant stand ladies my ass, you fucking slut. you hurt the people that get close to you. ive done it to gerber, yes. and im paying for it. i cant do anything but wait for whatever to happen, happen. her friends cant stand me, and i understand. that dont bother me. what bothers me is that you got all uptight because i wrote about you in my lj, when i heave it there to convey my thoughts. to start this long drawn out "battle" that you have no way concievable of winning, is funny as hell to me. in a way, i should thank you for entertaining me and my friends for so long with your childish-ness. thank you jessica diane brown...whore...lousy friend...central slut...heart breaker... and every other cute little label you have had bestowed upon you in your puny insignificant shit storm of a life. you dont want a war. you've lost before you started. i will burn your life,and every one who stands with you to the ground. get allies now. im coming bitch.
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