Complacency. Is it a bad thing? I don't know. I've been complacent about this space, lately, because as with the paper journals I've kept over the years I tend to be drawn to it only in those moments when there's something in my life that needs to be purged, wiped clean.
There hasn't been anything like that in my life. Things are good, things are amazing, and I'm happy. Peter's fantastic and Roman is incredible and at bedtime we lay on his bed and he curls up against my shoulder and we read Charlotte's Web which should be a bit advanced but isn't because he's so smart, just like his dad. We read it until he falls asleep and I'll look up, then, see Peter standing in the doorway watching and there isn't any way to describe how that feels, so maybe that's why I haven't made the attempt. Dude sleeps at the foot of the bed, and have I mentioned that Peter got me a goat?
Flicka. Felicity threatened to castrate both of us when she heard but I could hear Bill cackling in the background so I'm not too worried about her wrath.
Work calls Peter to New York soon, and I'm jazzed about that. A chance to catch up with
Robert, who just came around these parts, so you all should add him, and I'm sure
Ethan is around there somewhere, too. Rumor has it those two will be taking Broadway by storm again and I should really think about doing some more auditioning, huh?
The good news is that Seeing Other People is slated for a May 7 release. Major cities only, looks like, but I'm just glad it's not getting shelved for an eternity before going straight to video. If you're curious you can hop over to and check out the trailer.
A slew of the S.W.A.T. crew has showed up, and Sabrina, too, and I should really link them but I'm practically married and a lazy bum so go over the welcome wagon and look them up, yeah?
That's all I've got. I should go see what kind of progress the goat's making on mowing the lawn.