Title: A Glimpse of the Possibility (21/?)
Author: Aerial312
Rating: PG-13
Category: Humor/Fluff/Angst/Romance (a little of everything)
Disclaimer: I own nothing…I just borrow.
Feedback: Greatly appreciated. robinmgrady@gmail.com
Archiving: Sure. Just let me know where its going.
A/N: It's back. Finally. I've got a new computer, and hopefully a bit more time coming up (the show I'm working opens Wednesday, so hopefully the 13 hour days will end).
http://aerial312.googlepages.com .
Episode Timeline: "Evidence of Things Not Seen"
"So that's what you find handsome?"
"I told you-"
"He's another Republican."
"He is a traditionally handsome-"
"Traditionally handsome?"
"You know, like what you see in the movies."
Josh snorted. "So you like this 'traditionally handsome'-"
"I told you that he's not-"
"As handsome as I am."
"Right," Josh chuckled at her as they walked through the door into his office. "Cause I'm so handsome."
"Powerful. How did I forget that?"
"You're loving this, aren't you?"
"It's not every day-"
"Your fan club says that kind of thing everyday."
"Jealous, Donnatella?"
"They don't count."
"Why not?"
"So it only counts when certain people find you handsome?"
Josh stared at her thoughtfully for a moment. "I don't think handsome is quite the word my fan club would use."
"Am I?"
"You're a very attractive man."
"Do you think--?"
Donna laughed..
"Am I hot?"
"You are." She looked up, into his eyes for a moment. "I think that you knew that."
She broke away, and began to tidy some papers on his desk.
"That I'm hot?"
"That I-you knew what I meant."
Donna looked up from the papers to find him staring at her intently. She smiled.
"CJ claims she got the egg thing to work."
"It doesn't."
"That's what I told her. She said it worked, after everyone left the poker game just now."
"So she had no witnesses?"
"Didn't happen."
"Maybe it stayed up for like a second."
"We tried it. Remember?"
"I seem to recall someone who wouldn't accept that it wasn't working because it just didn't work, then."
"It doesn't work. That egg didn't stay up at all."
Donna chuckled.
"I only got to play like 5 hands, between the phone call and the interview."
"I only played one for you."
"And you lost."
"Only five dollars."
"I played that hand right."
"Obviously not."
"How could I know that Debbie's a card shark?"
Josh sighed. "She really is."
"She made a ton of money. I bet the President regrets letting her play."
He leaned against the front of his desk, staring off into space for a while before finally commenting, "Tonight was such a weird night."
"You sure you don't want to give Stanley a call?"
"He won't mind."
"It's too late by now."
"It's only 9:30 in California."
"I'm fine…I…" he looked up to find her watching him with concern.
"Are you?"
"I'm okay….really." He took her hand in his and squeezed tightly. "I barely even heard the shots."
"You're sure?"
Josh nodded. "If I wasn't, I'd let you know."
"You'd hide it."
"If I wasn't okay, you'd know."
"I'd like to think so."
"I'm okay."
She studied him for a moment. "Okay then. Drive me home?"
Josh squeezed her hand one more time, and released it. "Go get your stuff."