Title: Shopping and Lunch [1/2]
Author: Robvic
Rating: PG
Category: Fluff
Spoiler Info: Future fic, set one year after the election so spoilers for pretty much everything!
Disclaimer: Not mine. His.
E-mail address for feedback: robindwgo@hotmail.co.uk
Archiving permission: Sure
Notes: Just my take on what could happen!
November 2006
It was morning of the first Saturday in November, and First Lady Helen Santos and her Chief-of-Staff were sitting in the Residence, officially supervising the homework of the First Children, but actually having a chat over a cup of coffee.
‘Donna, what time are they due back?’
‘Well, when I spoke to Josh last, he said they were expecting the plane to land at Andrews around 3pm, so they should be back here by about 4ish, I guess. Then I’m sure he’ll want to catch up with what’s on his desk before we can head home, which will take a few hours. But the President has apparently given him strict instructions not to come in tomorrow, so we should be able to get something of a weekend. Unless, of course, you need me tomorrow?’
‘Oh god, no! I remember what it’s like to be young and newly-wed…kind of…’
Donna laughed. ‘Well, they have been in London for ten days- it’s pretty much the longest we’ve been apart since we got married.’
‘I can’t believe that was only 3 months ago. Does time always disappear this quickly in the White House?’
‘Pretty much. It’s because we’re kind of busy. You know, no time for normal things like going to the movies. Or going shopping. Or anything like that.’
‘Shopping. I remember that.’ Helen looked wistful. ‘Donna, is there anything urgent on my desk?’
‘I don’t think so, no. After our marathon session last night, we’re pretty much up to speed on everything and I’ve been through all the briefing memos and confirmed all the appointments in the diary for next week. Not having Josh around pestering me does have its benefits, I guess.’
‘Well, what do you say we play hookey? I’ll set up a movie in the theater for the kids, get them all sugared up for when their father gets back - he’ll really appreciate that - and you and I can hit the shops. I need an outfit for the dinner next week.’
‘Ma’am, you do realise that we can just call up the shops and have them bring the clothes here for you?’
‘Yes, and that was fun the first few times, but the novelty has pretty much worn off now. Let’s go and be normal for a bit.’
Donna laughed. ‘Ma’am, I think any event involving several Secret Service agents, and the closure of the shops so that you’re the only customer in them is really pushing the definition of ‘normal’.’
‘Yes, but I want to do it anyway.’
‘Your wish is my command. Let me just go and make some calls while you sort out the children - give me half an hour.’
And with that, Donna headed down to her office in the East Wing. She opened the door and stopped dead as she caught sight of an enormous bunch of flowers sitting in the middle of her desk. Reaching for the card, she smiled as she opened it.
‘Hope it’s ok to send you flowers on this anniversary. All my love, Josh.’
In one of many conversations held during their transition get-away, Josh and Donna had decided to count the day before Election Day as the ‘first’ day of their relationship - after all, they had just made it up to Josh’s room before the clock struck midnight. That way, they would be able to remember Election Day for the amazing achievement it had been, and for Leo. And in true Josh-style, he’d decided to mark the occasion by sending a huge bunch of flowers, although at least these weren’t as gaudy as previous ‘anniversary’ flowers.
Contrary to what all their friends had expected, they hadn’t come back from Hawaii married. CJ in particular had been stunned, saying that she’d figured that it had taken them so long to actually get it together that she’d guessed they’d just do it quickly and quietly and come back to start governing. And while it had crossed their minds, Josh had pointed out that Donna’s mother would never forgive him if she had had no input in her daughter’s big day. And so they’d opted for a simple ceremony that had taken place in August, while Congress was on its summer recess. Well, as simple as you could get when there were two Presidents on the guest list. They’d managed to fit in a few days honeymoon at the beach before Sam had reluctantly used the ‘emergencies only’ number and called them back to Washington to deal with the latest international crisis.
Moving the flowers to the bookshelf at the side of the desk, Donna sat down behind her desk, and picked up the phone. ‘Hi Susan. It’s me. Can you let the Secret Service know that the First Lady and I will be going out in half an hour and will need a car. And can you phone up Gabrielle’s and warn them that we’ll be turning up in about 45 minutes and will need the store to ourselves. Thanks.’
Hanging up, Donna looked around the room, and her eye fell on the calendar hanging on the wall. She frowned, and moved closer, before turning thoughtfully back to her desk, collecting her purse and her coat and heading back over to the residence.
[part 2 to follow shortly]