Feb 08, 2005 01:43
I felt really good about myself tonight, i went to the stadium and was running on the field, then rans some bleachers for a while...I wish I couldve done more, but years of playing baseball and spraining ankles, not letting them heal, and keep playing with the help of 2000 mg of pain killers really messed up my ankles and now i cant run very much before they hurt sooo bad. after, me and chris tried to sneak up to the press box but they locked it, it wasnt locked last time.
so i felt good about trying to get back into good shape for once, but then chris mentioned how good a waffle cone would be, and so we went to ben & jerrys and totally nullified and progress i had made... now im just tired and sore, with the after taste of mint chocholate chip...i decided im gonna get fat and have a heart attack before i turn 40