Hello everyone. I know I haven't posted in a while, so this will be a big one.
I finished finals and came home the next day. From then until the 27th of May I just kinda did nothing. I got a haircut, visited with my cancer!kitty and fed her, entertained the dogs, and was a dork.
Then from the 27th through the 31st, Conr came down, which was pretty much the highlight of my visit. That was the only time my boring routine was at all changed. Conr and I cooked (ok, she cooked, I did a few things she asked and sat around mostly... but yay SHE MAKES THE BEST CAKE), we saw Pirates 3 (very good), went bowling (fun! XD) and watched the entire fifth season of Scrubs (whee). When her rents came to pick her up, they took me and my rents out to Olive Garden and we all had dinner together, which, hey!, always good.
Then on the 7th my brother graduated from high school at last. Granted, due to his relationship and such he hasn't been happy hardly at all about it. In fact, this time at home he was in the worst mood I've seen him in since I left for college freshman year. Graduation was at the Vines Center at Liberty University for the first time ever for my high school, and it was... interesting. I spent much of the weeks before that listening to Zach or my Mom complain and bitch about the students, teachers, and school system of Campbell County. Pretty much a very negative visit home. I love being home, but I get tired of the negativity.
On that note, the grandparents visited for graduation. My grandfather is doing really bad. We are almost sure he doesn't have just mild Parkinson's but possible also Alzheimer's. He shuffles really badly, and needs help in and out of the shower, in and out of vehicles, sometimes in and out of chairs. It's almost impossible to hold a conversation with him, and he says the most random things. Sitting in front of the TV one night, he tried to drink out of his cane. It's just depressing. When I got my fridge from my Mom's room at school, my grandparents came with me. My grandmother unthinkingly sat my grandfather down in a spinning chair (and he didn't bring his cane in), and when he tried to get out... he fell. This is the first time he's ever fallen with us. Just terrifying. He bruised his hand and hip pretty bad, and we're afraid he broke one or the other, but the grandrents refused to go get an x-ray down here since they were leaving the next day.
That evening we went to Koto's, pretty much my favorite restaurant ever. It has such amazing food. Mmm... so filling and wonderful. My grandfather actually ate his whole meal (and that place has huge portions).
Anywho, Saturday night I packed late, slept for three hours, and then moved back to campus on Sunday. Walter's been a good roommate. It's nice to see people again, and yay, Wawa. I need to go back to the grocery store and stock up on more cooking stuff. I didn't get enough on my first trip. So, Walter and I are making lists and getting some stuff today from Food Lion.
I've already played one game of frisbee and scratched my right knee and left leg up real bad slipping on a root. But yay! Frisbee people. We had quesadillas and mac&cheese Sunday, and I cooked Jambalaya Monday. Tonight Walter and I went to Laura's and she made stirfry. Good stuff.
Work is relaxed but sometimes tedious. I try to stretch it out and talk online or hang out while doing it. I also spend an hour in Blair every weekday morning and sort mail and do odd jobs around there. The research work is easy enough.
Anyway, I suppose that's it up til now. Back to work for a bit before sleep. I'll try to update again soon, but no promises.