Aug 20, 2009 21:08
I started reading the Southern Vampire series 'cause I was curious about all this True Blood hype and wanted to see if I liked the lit before I watched the show on DVD.
MAN is it the definition of guilty-pleasure trash lit! Fun stuff, easy to read, doesn't take itself too seriously (psychic southern barmaid? those wacky book titles? yeah). First book series in ages I might actually get into; I'm almost finished with the first book (they're fairly short).
I've taken the Twilight DVD out from the library and I'm halfway through it. I HATE to admit this, but...
It's actually pretty darn good.
Not the story, really. But the directing and cinematography is very, very to my taste, and the acting is, generally, extremely fitting. It's all very surreal and hazy yet...naturalistic, somehow (the non-vampire bits). Oddly but appropriately subdued, which is in high contrast to the idiotic hysterical obsessive Mary Sue-ishness of the books. Besides the presentation, the two things that make the movie much more tolerable than the book are 1) we don't get inside Bella's head, so she's infinitely less obnoxious than she is in the series and 2) the director included montages that imply that Edward and Bella are actually getting to know one another (talking, hanging out, etc) so that their romantic relationship feels a tad more developed than it is in the book.
I'd only actually recommend the movie for the superficial "look" and not the throwaway, extremely lame "story," but I had to post my surprisingly positive reaction. It was just *that* surprising to me.