Dec 13, 2006 22:20
-----Coppied and pasted from my myspace page. A few days late, but I finally rememberred my LJ-----
Tuesday, December 12, 2006
A few random snipets from a quasi journal I kept (when sober enough to type)
Day 0 First night at camp.
FUCKED UP!!! First off, any one who knows me knows that I will go to great lengths to sleep in my own bed. Like making the hour and a half walk from quinns, drunk. Or cabbbbing home from downtown instead of crashing on the couch. Now try going from a queen size soft as fuck feather of a bed, to a (not even a) single, rock hard, thin blanketted camp bed. So needless to say it was a long time to get to sleep. And then the dreams. Oh man. VERY FUCKED UP! I'm not gonna go into the major rundown or anything, but allow me to share the one part that stands out the most.
Charles and I were doing...something... and he cut my wrist. And laughed Like it was nothing. It split farther and farther and farther open. Every time I would try and squeeze the skin together to close the wound, the skin that I was pulling on, under my finger and thumb, would tear off cleanly and neatly. Once the wound had peeled open until it was on the sides of my wrist, I could see clearly that there were no bones in my wrist, But machinery. I mean hydraulics and wiring and shit.
Day 1:
Just another lazy day at work. Burned the crap out of my thumb today. Still stings like a motherfucker but the skin isn't scarred or blistering so I know it'll be fine by tomorrow.
Ran into the afformentioned old acquaintance this morning. And met her fiancee too... My Boss. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!! I hope he doesn't know. That'd be a little awkward. Other than that, dunno. Fun fun fun.
Day 2:
So... Aparantly someone was killed today. I'm not sure who. There are five pipeline companies working in this area. Aparantly one of the other four was loading a sideboom onto a semi trailer and rolled it. Instead of backing onto the trailer, this guy went up forwards, and started to slide backwards. Instead of jamming it in neutral and sliding off fine and dandy he jammed on the brakes and rolled the cunt over backwards. That's pretty fucked up. Some poor cat trying to make a living for his wife and kids.... Fuck.
Me tired. Back sore. A little buzzed right now. Had a few drinks with Celine tonight. She's fun for an office fly.
What a day I sepnt most of it underground. Whee Underground welds. I gotta be honest, there's no place I'd rather be. It's so peaceful to be in an 8 foot ditch. Quiet and calm. Mood for the day.
Day something:
Your average above ground welding crew (pipe gang) has 3 welders & 3 helpers, one side boom operator, a spacer, a stabber, and 2 skid pilers. 10 people. Today we had 5. a farmer and his wife (welder/helper), a newfie (skid piler), and a indian (spacer and stabber) and a nazi (operator). A very motley crew. Getter dun!
Snowed all day long. literally soaked all my clothes and coveralls through. 20 extra pounds I didn't need to carry all day long
What fun :)
Wet clothes conduct heat at an incredible rate. Did you know that? I did too. But apparantly I wasn't paying attention to the tiger torch burning the shit out of the pipe because I leaned on it while scraping the coating off for the needed cutting of said pipe. My arm hurts where the four red welts are. I pays good attention to my goings on around me.
Tonight the whole crew got together after dinner and had a 2 person team xbox360 hockey tournament. That was the shit. Celine and I were a team. A force to be reckoned with... That's a lie, we got knocked out in the second round, but it was alot of fun. Got a pretty good buzz on right now. Almost got caught drinking by the camp manager tonight too. Not that we'd be kicked out or anything, but with the big cheezes from shell coming out tommorrow it'd probably be bad.
Day something +1:
Nearly got fired today. Drinking late and early morning don't make happy. I was supposed to be pressuring up a 2km section for a 150psi pressure test. Fell asleep in the truck waiting on compressor. Woke up to my foreman hammering on my window. 970psi. Successful test if you ask me.
Day E:
Damn we're good. Work is already slim. I spent the first 2 hours of my day driving up and down the line sweeping snow off signs.
Good fun and all but damn am I glad to be back in my own bed. How I do love my soft...and comfortable....Mmmm
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