Dec 01, 2004 01:44
Title: Vows
Author: JosephSaren
Rating: G (wow, my first)
Challenge: Written for the weekly AWDT.
Status: Unbetaed and Incomplete (1/2)
Word Count: 642
“It’s fine ‘mione,” grumbled Harry as he pulled the tie back into place where it wasn’t cutting off his air supply.
Hermione’s only reply was to role her eyes and step out of the room to go and check on some other part of the arrangement.
Standing before the full-length mirror Harry Potter took stock of himself. There stood the Hero of the Wizarding World complete with his piercing green eyes and his unruly mop of black hair that refused to cooperate even for this occasion. He was dressed in black velvet robes trimmed in intertwined silver and gold strands. A silver shirt coupled with a stunning green tie completed the outfit. Having rectified his need for glasses years ago during the war nothing stood between his vibrant green eyes and the world.
Harry took a ragged breath and placed his hands on either side of the mirror on the wall suddenly feeling nauseous, “Calm down Harry. It’s gong to be just fine. You’ve wanted this for so long. Everything for once is going to work out just like it’s supposed to. You’re going to walk out here and get married and spend the rest of your life with the person you love the most.”
Pushing off the wall Harry turned and moved out of the dressing room to stand before the door into the presentation room where his friends waited to see him express his love publicly.
From behind the door he heard the gong sound and the stone door in front of him slide open. Across the room from an identical chamber as his, Draco Malfoy looked into the eyes of Harry Potter and they began to walk meeting in the center across a table with three unlit candles standing on it. A silver candle in front of Draco, and a gold candle in front of Harry. Between the two candles sits a pure white candle in a base with the crest of a lion intertwined with a snake stamped into the silver.
“It is time…” came the voice of Neville Longbottom standing above the grooms.
Nodding Draco arked his hand over the candle in front of him causing it to flicker into life and taking up a card from the table in front of him he began to read from it, the resonance of his voice filling the room:
“This flame represents everything I have.
Everything that is me.
Everything that I wish to accomplish and
to have in this world.”
Draco locked eyes with the raven haired man across from him as he too enchanted flame from thin air and began to read from his card, his deeper voice coursed through the hall as it had years ago as he led his troops into battle:
“This flame represents me.
It represents my love for you.
It represents the hope that I’ve carried in my heart
since we were eleven years old.
The hope that later turned to desire.
Because hope deferred makes the heart sick,
but a desire fulfilled is a tree of life.
And that, Draco Lucius Malfoy is exactly what you are.
My tree of life.”
With that each of them picked their respective candle up and joined their fires before lowering it onto the third candle. As the flames touch the candle the room darkens as both the silver and gold drain from the candles and into the white candle causing a spectacular blend of gold and silver. The candle seemed to glow with power and then fades as Harry and Draco withdrew their now white candles and placed them back in their holders.
“It is done. You are one,” came Neville’s voice from above them once again.
With that each of them stepped in front of the table and melted into an embrace as they shared their first married kiss.