Moving on...

Jan 30, 2009 01:07

In 2001 I started this LJ. Like with everyone else, a lot has happened, a lot has changed. Now, 2009, after many hiatuses (is that a word?), I want to start writing in an online journal again, and what better place is there than my LJ? But I need a fresh start though, with another trusty nickname I have.

Looking back... there were great times here and I have few regrets. But you can't change the past. I've made changes in my life that make sure some things won't happen again. I quit World of Warcraft some time ago, a game that consumed most of my time and myself for a long time. It's all for the best, for my professional as well as my social life. I realised this nearly a year ago, but I can really feel the change now. It's not drugs or alcohol, but an addiction is an addiction. And I'm clean. :)

Moving on...

If you want to move on with me, please add my new journal and get rid of this one. :) It's not pimped yet, and not yet a paid account, but that'll change soon. :p


Thank you. <3
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