Short for now... more later.

Jan 28, 2009 15:00

I love my life. <3

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belsammael January 28 2009, 14:34:19 UTC
it's been ages since you were around..but at least you bring good news :)


josephine76 January 28 2009, 14:41:33 UTC
Yeah I know. :S
You don't want to know what happened since the last time I posted... maybe I'll write it down sometime, but long story and a lot of pain bla bla. Broke up. Bla bla. But it's time for something new. I'm feeling so good... with everyone around me, with myself, my plans, my house, my cats, my skills... everything. It's a rush, hopefully a lasting one. :)

I created a new journal, but haven't posted in it yet. I might switch to that one (haven't written in it yet), but I'll make a post about that here, so if you want, you can follow me there. Where I'll be more active, well that's the idea. :)


belsammael January 28 2009, 14:43:42 UTC
the moment you appeared, I knew you'd broken up... -somehow =3

bring on the rush, bring on your journal, bring it all us you again :)


josephine76 January 28 2009, 14:46:38 UTC
Yeah, it happened 3 days after my latest LJ entry. :S September 6. So it's almost 5 months later. And I don't care about it anymore. :D It's like I have found myself again... and not be a version of myself who is always taking care the other person is happy, forgetting about myself. I matter too! It's enlightening. LOL!

I'll be there. I just need to make LJ a daily or two-daily activity of my life again... get back into the routine. :)

Btw, how did you feel I'd broken up? :S


belsammael January 28 2009, 14:49:02 UTC
I dunno.. it was just a gut feeling I had.. though I thought it to be more recently, not 5 months ago.. :S

glad you realised you matter too, because it's true; the smile in your LJ icon next to that dark monster proves that ;)


josephine76 January 28 2009, 14:52:10 UTC
Yeah, it's strange how time flies. I think I can honestly admit that I've been crushed for the first two months. Then slowly healed with help of my friends and some distraction.

Now, when I don't feel the need to date or meet new guys, I know I've found myself again. A relationship is nice, but I needed to know that I can feel great on my own again too. And so I do. :)

Gotta love the B-monsters! :D

What's happening with you? :)


belsammael January 28 2009, 14:54:18 UTC
my job is a party of insane happenings, sexual harrassments, violence, odd humor and backstabbing.. it's fun, read back and love it ;D

and marriage is still creeping up on me.

the rest is fine.. and glad to hear you've found such a calm and pleased sided of yours.. quite a spiritual pleasure to hear :)


josephine76 January 28 2009, 15:01:33 UTC
Your job sounds fun!!! hahaha!

And wow.. marriage, that's great! When will it take place? Congratulations!! Huuuuuge step, but so good with the right person, I'm 100% sure. It's still a goal in my life too, sometime. Hahaha!

Yeah, calm I am, in a way... but super-charged as for everything else! I'm starting freelance design again... and I'm going to learn the tattoo business as of this Friday I think. I'll write about that later. I'm still at work, not making the logo I'm supposed to hahaha!


belsammael January 28 2009, 15:03:06 UTC
haha.. 'tis, a big step, but a right one :) - and that step will come for you too :D

you came far already.. from a cute girl to someone i crushed on to a taken lady to the happy developped lady you are now... onward to the future :D

where do you work now btw? :)


belsammael January 28 2009, 15:03:20 UTC
..or maybe i should read all of the comment ;)


josephine76 January 28 2009, 15:08:40 UTC
Hehehe... already took some of those steps! :D

You crushed? I don't think I knew that! ... but... *hugs*, that's sweet to say. :D

I work in Amsterdam for a marketing research company at the moment. Doing all the design stuff for the many European offices. Right now some logo design work. :)


belsammael January 28 2009, 15:12:35 UTC
it was somewhere in the stage where you were worrying about your body (silly girl) or so.. or with the US guy, not sure :)

maybe i wasnt obvious enough ;D - or maybe i never mentioned out of respect for your happiness and not to seed doubt =3

ooh, marketing research sounds like fun..and variety. :) - nice :D


josephine76 January 28 2009, 15:17:18 UTC
Aaah yeah, the US guy, hehe, Damon. It all seems like such a long time ago! Hehe, no I never really got any idea about it. When it was a bit flirty comment, I thought it was because I was a girl, not because I was me. :) LOL. If that makes any sense. Anyhow... hugggssss!

So when are you getting married? You have a date set yet? Location or anything else?


belsammael January 28 2009, 15:24:39 UTC
june 19th :) - Castle of Wijchen ;)

hehe aww yeah almost long ago eh? :) -and aww hey, i may be a flirt, but not with just everyone..pft ;)


josephine76 January 28 2009, 15:32:47 UTC
Hahahaha! Okay, I believe you. ;)

Sweet! In Wijchen! I was there last month for the first time, to buy a dress. Hahahaha. It was the only shop (Didi) where they had a certain dress in my size, so I actually went to Wijchen.

A castle... so very nice! Happy for you two!


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