Foo concert!

Feb 01, 2006 16:08

Last night I went to see the Foo Fighters! It was SO freaking cool! I'm still on a high, mind, with a headache... but it was so very cool to actually see them play, to be there.

Went with a guy I know from MySpace. I would've gone alone, but he wanted to see them too and he didn't seem like a serial rapist to me, so I thought it would be okay. Made it VERY clear that I wasn't interested in any funny business, and that there's someone in my life who's just not here with me at the moment. We didn't have tickets, so we had to get some right there. Took us about half an hour in the cold, but we got tickets AND aftershow badges!!! We were allowed to go backstage afterwards. Ha ha ha! The guy who sold the tickets and badges to us, his sister is the ex-girlfriend of Chris (Foo guitar player), but apparently they're still in good contact. Paid a little more than initially planned, but I had to take this chance. How often can you go backstage at a Foo concert?! When we were inside, I couldn't believe I was actually going to see them! Happiest girl, right there.

The blurry pics are from that friend's mobile phone. I didn't take my camera, because I didn't think I'd be allowed to take pictures anyway. Now I wish I did bring my camera. Had pretty good places to stand. At first in the front, to the right of the stage, but later on we moved towards the center, and we had a full view of the band. Wish we had gone there earlier. But the guy was a bit fussy. Don't think he realised with who he was seeing a concert. Perhaps I'm not some crazed & wild & OOC rock chick, but I'm not some fragile little girl who's afraid someone's gonna bump into her either.

The Foos were amazing. They opened with In Your Honor and played a good mix of their old and new work all through the night. I only wish the concert would've been longer. It was 90 minutes and I felt it could've gone on for another hour. They had still enough stuff left to play. Taylor also did his Cold Day In The Sun (bottom blurry picture) with Dave on the drums. Chris and Dave did this guitar battle, Chris on the left of the stage, Dave on the right (first blurry pic), and Dave started saying things in Dutch, starting with "godverdomme". LMAO! For the non-Dutch, that's bad swearing.

Tam, my flatmate, was there too last night. She had to work there for Heineken, selling beer. Was funny that we both were there. She was home earlier than me, but she waited up. We talked afterwards... she's a converted Foo fan now. She wants to "learn" their music. LOL. Also met three German guys, they were pretty cool and real fans too. They came all the way from Germany without tickets, trying their best to get tickets too before the show. They were the competition at first. He he. But we all managed to get tickets so it was very cool. Talked to them a few times inside. It's strange how you keep bumping into the same people on a night like that, with so many people there.

About the guy, I don't think I'll be seeing more concerts with him. He wasn't pushy or anything, but he WAS fussy and touchy-feely. Not sure if that's an American thing that I just don't get (he's an American), but he kept touching me in some way... either my hand, arm, shoulder, waist, whatever. That got me on my nerves and pissed me off eventually... so I just took a step backwards everytime that happened. But think it might have been something he just does with everyone. I don't know. We had to take the same train after the show and he was sitting opposite of me and he still did it, touching my knees and hands etc, while I thought I'd made it clear I didn't want that. It was just too much. Also, the whole "strong man" vs "fragile little girl" thing wasn't working for me. I don't need that kind of "protection", even though he meant it well. Hell, I was taller than him. Plus, I really don't look like a fragile little girl. LMAO. I like to jump and dance, geez! I guess he likes to stand still at concerts.

Ooooh and he embarrassed me! Well, not intentionally, and not me personally... but what a dufus. Backstage, we stood in this hall where the dressing rooms are and he started talking to this guy who has dark half long hair... and he was going on complimenting the guy on the show, and how it was so very cool to meet him etc. LMAO! I figured he thought that was Dave, so I stood back, rolling my eyes and looking around. SERIOUSLY. If he had paid ANY attention, he would've seen that Dave had a hair cut and doesn't have the long hair at the moment. *sigh* That was just so embarrassing. He kept on talking to that guy and returned to me all weird proud. I must have been wearing this certain expression on my face, because he said all cringy: "That wasn't Dave, was it?" And when the other guys came out one by one out of their dressing rooms, and I greeted them, he also had no idea I had just said hello to the other band members. I said: "Didn't you just see Taylor going into the elevator?" He: "Huh?" Me: *insert eye roll*

Oh well, the concert was so awesome, that all of his antics couldn't ruin it for me. I do think I would've had just as good a time if I had gone by myself instead. But wish that Damon would've been there with me though. He's the craziest Foo fan I know. I called him during Everlong and let it play on his voicemail. Apparently he was able to make out what was playing. LOL. But I'm sure it must've been noisy. Just thought I'd try... I really missed him last night.


In your honor
All my life
My hero
Best of you
Up in arms
Learn to fly
Times like these
The one
Stacked actors
Big me
No way back
Break out
Cold day in the sun
Monkey wrench
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