Freaking old timer cars

Jan 12, 2006 17:29

This might have been the last time I've asked my client for ideas on what to design for them. They've given me free reign, basically... but they come with the worst of ideas for me. First clowns... now... OLD TIMERS. No offense to old timer fans. I'll deal with it though. Who could've imagined that one freaking doll back in 2001 would have me pixeling old timer cars in 2006. :| It's money though. It pays the rent. I feel like such a pixel whore.

I think my neighbours love me right now. I've got neighbours on all sides, above, below, left and right. >:) Yeah, my speakers are well used today. Luckily, my flatmate is still at her parents' place. She's getting better from her pneumonia. Today my head's clearing up too. It took my body long enough to deal with it anyway. But considering the circumstances in general, not surprising.

Going to re-do my personal homepage before I have the job interview on Monday. I thought I had a redesign... but no, I'm going to redo it again. (Never satisfied.) I want to show some kick-ass stuff there.

FYI, I rather not talk about anything I might have posted yesterday. Thanks.
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