My diary when I was 10 years old...

Nov 02, 2005 13:43

faile77 started to scan her old diary pages from 1991 and post them in LJ. I thought that was such a fun idea, so here are a few of my very first diary entries from 1986. Sorry for the English, it's Dutch, obviously. Please mind, I was only 10!! Ha ha! But I've tried to translate it. My comments or extra explanations are written between these [ ] brackets.

Dear Pussycat. Today I rested nicely, in bed of course. I sat downstairs in my pyamas for about an hour. Then dad said: "it's about time you get dressed." So I did and then dad went to the citycenter; he had to go to the Vivo [supermarket]. Then he went into another direction, to The Market [a square]. I asked mum: "why does dad go into that other direction?" Mum: "Oh, he's going to the Formido" [hardware store]. When he was back he carried two packages. I asked: "For who are those presents?" Dad said: "Here you go." When I opened my present I got you and a Donald Duck winter book. Jacques got an electronics set. Because of our good christmas grade cards. [I love how my dad chose a diary for me.]

Dear Pussycat. Today I got a letter from my penpal, she wrote: "Hi Josephine. I got a lot of responses. I can't write with everyone. Too bad for you. Bye, Leonie." That's what she wrote. Now I'm browsing the Tina [girls' magazine] looking for another one. When I found one I immediatly started writing. Her name is Claudia. Now about something else. I made a hut, so much fun but such a mess. When that was over we visited friends. Bart and Minie, Carolina and Ronnie. It was fun there too. [note how I thought she was my penpal, just because I wrote her once. Ha ha ha.]

Dear Pussycat. I haven't written in a very long time. You know why? You got lost. Now let me tell you what I've experienced, but very short! On Monday we went to Hilversum [tv studios]. Oh right, we had a white christmas. For christmas I got a sewing machine [child's version of course], a felt set and some fireworks [sparkly sticks]. Speaking of fireworks, tomorrow it's the last day of '86. It's Old Year's even then. PS: The Netherlands has the world record domino stones.

Dear Pussycat. Today it was Old and New [New Year's Eve]. There was hardly anything on TV. We watched a Germany 2 [German tv channel, which is actually ZDF is my memory is right]. And then the clock rang. And mum called Happy Newyear and she gave everyone a kiss. So it was January the 1st and dad and Jacques went outside to lit fireworks. Oh right, dad had a parachute fireworks and it got stuck in a tree and from the little man came fireworks. Byeeee.

Dear Pussycat. Today we went to Hilversum to a party. Let me list all the artists I saw there. Mum and dad [DUH], Patricia Paay, Yvonne Keely, De Aal, Rinie van der Lee, Corry Konings, Arie Ribbens, Dolly Dots, René Shuman, Roberto Jackettie and the Scooters, De Germa's and Circus Custers. I don't know what else. Happy New Year. [GAWD... all those Dutch singers. Haaaahahahahaha.]

And if you wonder "Pussycat WTF?" >> here's my diary:

I knowwwwww... it's all old and coloured. Almost 20 years old. I feel old now.

If you like to see more of these scans, I could make a filter for my old scanned diary pages, or if you don't mind these scans... I'll keep it public. Just let me know.

And these diary pages were so innocent. Just wait when I start to get interested in boys in 1988. *rolls eyes and cringes*
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