Crazy kitties and nasty weather

Oct 21, 2005 10:47

It's so dull and grey here. And it keeps on raining. I do have to go out today, so I hope I can sneak out when it's dry. Have to mail out Damon's package... (last night he said he almost got nervous about it, because I was grinning so evilly) and have to feed Léon and Marijke's cats. They have three of them, tiger stripies. Old but sweet. Unlike my crazy ones that are young and insane. I wonder if Whiskas puts speed in their food.

Anyone has some input? I need some ideas for design. Imagine it like this, I design "paint by numbers" patterns. It's not exactly that, but it comes down to that. I design what other people will make. What do those people like, the people who buy "paint by numbers" things? Animals I guess... flowers... I also made a Christmas thing... but what else would you think those people will like?

faerishimmer kept bugging me about kitty picture post, so here it is. (And... oh Stephy... *bats eyelashes*... tra la la.)

Posting these also reminds me of a dream Steph had. She said that Damon and I were visiting her... but all of a sudden we were in Damon's house, and the three of us were sleeping in Boris and Beau's basket on the shelves (see pictures). Imagine that.

damon, ph, loopy, kitties, photos

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