Jun 29, 2008 09:30
Our visitor has been with us now for 9 weeks, and today she leaves our shores probably never to return.
Its been surreal at times, having a uni student from Michigan waft into our house, with her "I really appreciate that" and "uh uh"s and "J-ahh-sh'"(Josh). Moving into wonderment at the doner kebabs and sushi we take for granted at every food court; her happy exclamations that we dont regularly buy Tims Tams (or she'd get fat) and her confusion at our bus and train schedules. She slowly but surely developed some Aussie-isms, greeting others with "how ya doing?"; became environmentally aware (loving the half flush concept and 'I guess those weird light globes could be useful?') and slotted into our family giving Josh an enjoyable close-to-real experience of having a sibling.
Our family has functioned differently. More balanced, with a quartet working much better than our regular trio. More interaction, with more sharing at meals about our day and such. More feminine, with the gender mix at a 2:2 ratio. As a bonus, we also sometimes had another student staying with us. Becky and Tiffany are travelling with their uni group, and onwards to cairns, Sydney and Hawaii from Perth. The two of them together are energetic and fun, lifting our energy. I can understand now that a Laser is not really a 'family' size car!
For David andf myself, it been an experience of living with a young adult, with all that entails: maybe getting a call in the early hours saying "theres no cabs, could you pick us up?", negotiating who's home when and communicating that, and discussions about life issues such as marriage, careers and health insurance.
As for my own view of Americans, it has evolved. One of the motivators for doing this was for josh to see beyond the media representation of Americans we get on our screens. I think he got that, I know I got it. People are people.
Knowing that the US is SO far, there is some sadness to bidding Becky and Tiffany farewell. A bond has grown which is strongely unlike any other know - not friend, not child, not sister. Maybe something like a neice, but as I only have young neices I cant be sure. I absolutely know that both Becky and Tiffany will be successful in building their lives and where the relationships go from here is fine. It could be one that is limited to a specific time and place, or one that lasts and grows beyond its current geographical realm. Whatever happens, it has been a pleasure and an experience I have enjoyed.
And, hey, maybe we'll get there one day *fingers crossed*