Good lord...

Jul 04, 2016 11:45's been forever since I've posted anything new, on AO3 or here/elsewhere.

Well, first-up: I just got my True Love Fest 2015 fics up on AO3 under the title 'Writing Assignments and Adventures'.

Stll need to push my Clexmas 2014 stocking stuffer and Clexmas 2014 gift (to nicnac918) to AO3, too. (...long after I pushed my 2015 gifts and stuffers there. Bad Jo.)

Not sure if I'll be posting any other stuff soon. May post a longer-ago-written update to Family Stuff later today (basically, breaking a chapter-that-wasn't-yet-done in half and posting the first piece of it, because in retrospect it's a good stopping point, somebody wanted an update, it's been way too long without one, and why not?). Will update this with the chapter link if it goes live today. [[EDIT:]] Totally posted that shit this afternoon, booyah :) -- have another chapter of Family Stuff and another new (short) chapter of meta to go along with it! (Yes, the original reason for posting this meta was chapter 3 of Family Stuff. Why yes, I do easily get sidetracked by Lionel-being-a-jerk, do you even need to ask at this point? ^_^;;;;;;;;;; )

Also, Happy 4th! :)

(Yes, there are reasons why I've been absent and mildly on-and-off depressed. And reasons why I may or may not be even slower with fic for the next who-know-how-long, that I don't exactly feel like making public. ...Maybe in a friends-only post. They aren't exactly good reasons, after all. :-/ )


clexmas, fanfic-news, fic-related

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