Title: Alexander the Cat
josephina_xFandom: Smallville, Smallville Season 11
Pairing: pre-Clex
Rating: R (rating for language)
Spoilers: general for season 11 through the third arc (Haunted); fic starts a bit before the beginning of story arc 1 (Guardian)
Word count: 13,500+
Summary: Oh, the Lex came back, the very next year. Oh, the Lex came back, was sure he was a gon-er, but the Lex came back, he just couldn't stay away, away, a-way.
In which Lex Luthor came back to life. And then the Lex came back, too. (...Remind me again, where exactly on the wheel of reincarnation do cats lie?)
Warnings: Un-beta'd.
Disclaimer: Not mine, not-for-profit.
Comments: Yes, please! :)
Author's Note: For the
clexmas 2013 Spring Fling Remix Challenge! This is a "remix" of
tasabian's Allied Cats, about which she says: "
crack fic :)" 'Nuff said. *g* --This is another of the "proper" remix type, where I am riffing off of the original idea in a different way. Pre-Clex, as usual.
Note that this fic sort of pulls double-duty, trying to "fill in" what might be considered by some to be "plot holes" or otherwise "events not explained to any satisfaction" in some of the various later seasons... ;)
Posted to AO3 here.