Title: Subtext (it's all about the...)
josephina_xFandom: Smallville
Pairing: pre-Clex
Rating: R (for implied BDSM stuff)
Spoilers: general for the first three seasons, takes place early season 4-ish
Word count: 2200+ (+3400 bonus chapter! :)
Summary: Somebody has been sending Lex kinky text messages. Using Clark's cellphone. ...Clark is not amused.
Warnings: Un-beta'd.
Disclaimer: Not mine, not-for-profit.
Comments: Yes, please! :)
Author's Note: For the
clexmas 2013 Spring Fling Remix Challenge! This is a "remix" of
ciaan's The BDSM Language AU, about which she says: "
Basically, the AI starts teaching Clark Kryptonian, and it turns out you can't even say anything without marking who's a dom or a sub. I meant to write more of this and only ended up with a drabble so would really enjoy other people exploring the idea." ...Thus, this isn't exactly a "proper" remix; it's more of an extension or continuation of what she wrote, of the "inspirational" type. (Just FYI.)
Posted to AO3 here.
EDIT: Now with bonus chapter! You can thank (or blame) Nicnac for it. Whichever your fancy.