Title: ...Clark Is Actually Pretty Ok With This, Thanks (Part 2 -- Lois Gets In On The Bromance Shipping) Author: josephina_xFandom: Smallville
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Lois, love, don't ever change. It's so nice that *someone* can actually see that Clark and Lex are really good for each other. Much trouble and heartbreak on that show could have been avoided if the world hadn't been bound and determined to sink the Clex friendship ship. And good for her being able to set her personal desires for vengeance/justice aside.
*g* *nods* Yeah, she's really rooting for them, even if (especially if?) it helps shove Lex onto the straight and narrow.
Yeah, she's struggling with setting it aside. I think you've seen her inner struggle a bit more pronounced later, when she isn't so caught up in trying to fix Clark a bit, too ;)
Yeah, darn writers, having to kill the friendship!Clex. *shakes fist* Why must Lex be "evil"?
I really think they wrote themselves into a corner with that one. Half the audience was going to be pissed if Lex didn't turn evil, because *Lex Luthor* and the other half would be pissed if he did, because they wrote him way too sympathetically.
Comments 13
Yeah, she's struggling with setting it aside. I think you've seen her inner struggle a bit more pronounced later, when she isn't so caught up in trying to fix Clark a bit, too ;)
Yeah, darn writers, having to kill the friendship!Clex. *shakes fist* Why must Lex be "evil"?
I really think they wrote themselves into a corner with that one. Half the audience was going to be pissed if Lex didn't turn evil, because *Lex Luthor* and the other half would be pissed if he did, because they wrote him way too sympathetically.
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