Ok, I've got a couple WIP's up in the air, and a bunch of bunnies, and they are just not getting done. I blame work tiring me out like a mofo and a bad waking-sleeping schedule for the lack of time writing (...writing time? --whichever). Also, YMMV's sequel is looking like it's going to seriously run off the rails into very AU-land in a scary way if I'm not careful. (I blame early-season Lex, as he started out a lot more innocent-like then, at least to me, and some pretty messed-up small-town cliches that would have had Rather Unfortunate Implications, had they ever reared their ugly head(s) in canon.) Or maybe I want it to :-D ...And sometimes I get wacky ideas, like having multiple sequels that branch from the same starting story, but are all 'AU' from each other... but then I rethink that and wonder if that's just bad writing because the original story must've been too general :-/ Oh, well. (Thoughts?)
But! I am going to try and do some 500-word-ish drabbles (for the bingo!) in the meantime. (And keep telling myself that I don't need sleep, not really. Sigh.) Maybe Ill even get one up tonight! *hah* Hopefully they won't suck hardcore -- let me know if they do (and how so I can improve!) if so, please.
Edit in ye morning AM: Aaagh, ok, my "short 500-word piece" has turned into a 3000+ monster. (But a fun monster.) I need sleeeeep. I'll finish and post later today.
Edit in the PM: Finally settled down for the night to write and the end is in sight, so I should hopefully get the 'monster' put to bed soon. Unfortunately, a different bunny -- a Smallville+Naruto remix, if you can believe that -- hit me out of freakin' nowhere, and I'm tearing my hair out at this one (but in a good way). It both is completely twisted and (IMHO) works really really well (seriously -- so many of the characters parallel each other with just minor tweaks it's unreal). Unfortunately, the last time I watched Naruto (starting from the beginning) was years ago, so since I haven't been following it recently, the events/timeline might end up all mixed up whether I actually plan it that way or not. TG for Wikipedia and TV Tropes, though. If this bunny won't let go (dunno yet exactly how bad it is) I may end up posting short 'episodes' as WIP's (just-in-case my continuity and/or referencing goes horribly wrong) as I go instead of trying to complete major parts all-at-once. Just an FYI in case anybody wants to help me play with this(!) -- I've mostly been focusing on the character histories and world setting for this so far; I haven't started scripting the series events so much as of yet -- let me know!
Edit July 5 in the AM: Fic is up at 7500+ and is close to an end of the first-draft now/finally(!) (just one more point I really want to include for this one, and a couple more pass-throughs so I'm comfortable with the wording throughout, before I post). This is gonna end up a series that 'goes AU'. Hopefully a couple short pieces, then a longer one (hurt-comfort, is gonna require warnings unless my bunny lightens up, which I seriously doubt given the setup) that'll get me through the first ep. of season 3 (the fic right now starts mid-season 2). It even looks like they should all be postable as individual fills for the bingo challenge without shoehorning (TG).