My LJ Manifesto (sorta)

Apr 04, 2037 22:56

* My fics will always be available as public posts. You do not need to friend me to view them. I do not plan on ever pulling any of my fic posts, but I may revise them without warning. Large revisions will get a new post and a link to the old. Small revisions will be applied via stealth technology that is copyright Wayne Industries (because I don't doubt that Batman would be sway more forgiving if I borrowed his tech than Lex would be :-P )

* I love Smallville, and Clex is my OTP. I am willing to try other pairings, and try not to character bash, but I shrug.

* When I tag "clex" I mean that the boys are in a romantic relationship with each other. When I tag "pre-clex" it can run the gamut -- either one or both of the boys don't understand their feelings and don't think of the other in that way (...yet), or one or more of them do understand their feelings but haven't acted on them (...yet). Generally, any fic tagged with "pre-clex" is one which will eventually become "clex" at some point. When I tag "clark-lex" the fic can be read as if it's a gen friendship fic -- no romantic leanings or urges are consciously made known in that particular story. If it's really "gen" and gonna stay that way, then I'll tag it "gen". Don't expect too much of that, though. I'm very into (eventual) happy endings for the boys :)

* I am all about t3h PLOT. I might write Clexy things, but I generally do not do smut or porn (mainly because I suck at it). If you are looking for hardcore bodies-in-motion fic, I suggest you look elsewhere. (I can only be so sorry about this. There is a lot of sexy out there, and there is a lot of tab A slot B out there, too, and without lube *shudders*. Trust me when I say I am doing you guys a favor by not trying my hand at it. Ha. Ha. *slow clap* So just be glad I'm not writing the latter and move along, ok? ^_^ )

* I am also all about the backstory. I have my own idea of what the canon characters are like at any given point in the series. (Possibly completely wrong, and undoubtedly not the same as yours, but whatever.) If I can't think of a way to get from those characters to a point B, I either don't write the fic, or I completely ignore shit and it becomes pure crackfic. (See how this works?) This is probably why my crackfic tends to be short (one-shot scenario), but my more serious fics are longer (i.e., the journey from over here to over there). So, if you see a crack!fic tag, consider yourself warned.

* Since I am big on plot and backstory, I tend to write stories that want to turn into epics, and I bounce between 'series' a lot. If you see a series tag, then I have ideas for later stories, and they will happen eventually. If a series ends or has ended, I'll make that clear, but I don't plan on leaving anyone hanging.

* I generally do not post my WIPs until they're done. (And when I mean "done" I mean "I'm satisfied with how what I've posted has been written, and I don't plan on going back and rewriting huge sections of it".) I have only one exception currently -- my DCnU-Smallville mashup -- several WIPs now, technically, because I am coming to terms with the fact that any series I write which hasn't ended yet is, by definition, a WIP, but I am trying not to feel too sorry about this fact -- and that is because I know I will finish it them (eventually -- I have a lot of bunnies, and almost all of my fic/series are freaking epics *shakes fist at bunnies*). I don't like reading WIPs, so I don't want to post them. Unfortunately, I also 1) would rather post good-sized chunks as "WIP"s or "stories in a series" once I find I'm not fiddling with the text anymore, than have you guys wait 3 years for a 200K+ epic that I plan on never touching again, yet 2) am not a good enough writer to be able to promise a set writing and posting schedule at a quality of work I am comfortable sharing with others. (I tend to jump backwards several sections and rewrite and tweak to hell and back some writing days/nights.) I am trying to strike a happy medium, instead. However, when I do post...

* I post my stories all-at-once, and they are always nominally complete. (I don't like to wait in the middle of reading something, so why would I make you do it unnecessarily?) So there's that, at least :) --I only hold off on chapters on the "WIP"s if I think they're not ready or still need editing -- I don't want to post anything crappy that I don't think is up to snuff yet, either. If I -do- post things in chapters or parts, it's generally because they're getting somewhere around 20-40K long, and are at a decent stopping point for that piece, because I don't want to leave you guys hanging for the next bit in a series too long if I can help it.

* For the things I like, I tend to either write fanfic, or think up stuff that is too awful to ever hit a page, ever. (I try not to share the latter -- I think of the children ;)

* I like prompts. If I get a prompt on something I know and like, I will generally be happy to try my hand at it :)

* I am a DC fangirl. I love Smallville, and am currently not completely cringing over S11. I like all the animated DC cartoons in the DCAU. I love the DCU, especially Young Justice, the Teen Titans, Superboy, Impulse, Red Robin, and Supergirl, among many others. I'm ok with the DCnU so far, but miss my old DCU pals. The Young Justice cartoon, while not really being anything like Peter David's comics, is pretty freakin' awesome in its own right, IMHO. I may head off and write more fanfic about the 'other worlds' eventually. We'll see.

* I like Marvel, too, but don't follow them nearly so much. (Believe it or not, I read compendiums of old X-Men comics, and watched the old X-Men and Spiderman cartoons first.) For whatever reason, I like the DC comics better. (Maybe because they're not so angsty most of the time.) The Ultimate universe is pretty interesting, though, and I love the Marvel movies! I heart Iron Man and Captain America. Seriously. I cannot wait until Avengers 2012 comes out. I would write more Tony/Steve fic, but other people do it better, and Clark and Lex much are more demanding in their attention, the silly needy boys :-P

*There is a laundry list of other things I like (such as Misty Lackey's works, and the Vorkosigan 'verse, and other TV shows like White Collar and The Pretender and Firefly), but that I have no burning desire to write fic for without a reason. (Except maybe that one Smallville-Valdemar crossover, hmmm...)

* I try to stay away from crossovers, because the ideas I get for those tend to be even more epic than my normal single 'verse bunnies. *argh* (Trust me, I've plotted a few of them out, like my Naruto-Smallville one. They are not for the faint of heart.) I may try one or two someday, but they will probably end up either (a) pure crackfic, (b) competely freakin' weird and convoluted as all-get-out, or (c) both. Just sayin'.

blah-blah-not-fic-blah, my-lj-manifesto

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