May 27, 2009 02:54
After being given a short talk about my lack of posting I return to you with this bit of thinking that Ive been mulling over for the last day or so.
I spent the later part of my night yesterday watching a brief moment in a movies, making of, frame by frame because of how unbelievable hot me and my friend both found it to be. In case you've seen the movie, its "The Fall," with Lee Pace, if you havent you should go check it out for the visuals alone.
Anyways, this is a moment that hasnt even made it into the final cut of the movie, but you get to see them shooting it when you watch the special features.
The scene is essentially Lee Pace, in sexy hot attire, eyeliner? (indeed sexy in this case) and buzzed hair cut. Stepping up to, shall we say, claim his woman. He already knows he likes her but in the story he decides he must shoot her because she is the woman of his enemy, however when he fires the bullet and her heart shaped locket prevents her from getting killed (by stopping the bullet, and yes just remember this is a fanciful sort of children's epic) he realizes that they are to be together and walks towards her with long strides, and steps up to kiss her. The manner of which is all together clearly grandiose and more importantly powerful.
I kid you not me and my friend watched the scene frame by frame, giggling and completely smitten with the way that he walked, stepped up and went to kiss the girl. He doesnt even actually kiss her! The director calls cut and the blushing and embarrassed woman turns away while Lee Pace dons a goofy looking smile.
Me and her began to talk about similar, "hot" moments. Dumb example but whatever, like in Twilight when Rob Pattinson leans Bella against this boulder and puts his arms on either side of her leaning in to her or when in The Illusionist Edward Norton grabs whats her names face and sort of pushes her against the wall then kisses her.
All these sort of make me think because in some ways theres a very blurred line between power and ownership that at the same time I have to admit I find fairly attractive. In each of these moments, as well as many others, its when men display not just strength but I guess dominion? that makes them "hot".
Just pondering this and the effects that my obvious like of these moments has on my thought on womens lib, etc, etc.
So take that for at least a relatively interesting return to posting.