Dec 16, 2004 07:56
school is over for me...
i think i'm almost positive that I passed my classes...
well i better, because if not... then i've gotta say that college is not for me, especially with the schedule i have.
I went to Christmas party with Madison on Tuesday, it was at her work... or soon to be my work place. It was pretty cool... because they had dancing and kareoke...
Madison was really up for dancing, so I just kinda tagged along and just danced even though we were the only ONE on the dance floor. Everyone was watching us... well first, Madison was wearing high heels but she was still pulling off some nifty dance moves... second, I busted some dance moves too... and third, we were the only form of entertainment at that time because everyone else was still stuffing themselves.
for christmas.... i want:
- A tikki head to hang on my read view mirror.
- A new guitar tuner (KORG brand please)
- New pair of Timberland
- Gift certificate from TARGET ( i like that store )
whatever... i don't really care what kind of gift i get. To be honest, i just want people to tell me merry christmas... for everyone else, expect your gifts to be late. I'm doing a last minute ONLINE christmas shopping... so if you want something from me, you better email me or something...
today's gonna cool... i gotta free breakfast at work (Continental Breakfast). And i think i'm suppose to hang out with Madison again tonight... she's leaving for the Airforce in less than a month, so i'm trying to take her out before she leaves... NO NO, not like that! it's because she really has no other people to go out with. She's too nice of a girl to be left alone, so i'm trying to be a good guy by taking her out and do things with her, stuff she's never done like watching a Magic Show, go to Mount Charleston, and Red Rock Canyon.
That's not pitty right?!
I'm better... thanks for all.
i'm listening to
"wakka chicka, wakka chicka" PORN MUSIC VOL 1
thanks to my co-worker Scott for supplying such unusual music.
it's a real CD yo!