How did I get a sink full of dishes in one day???

Jun 05, 2011 12:51

We went to see Twelfth Night at the annual Shakespeare in the Park on Friday night. The Magik Theater always set the Bard's plays in different times. This one had a Beach Blanket Bingo facade, complete with brightly colored bathhouses, a live band playing 50s beach music, and Fabian doing his best Keanu Reeves surfer impersonation. Not bad, but missing something. The weather, however, was lovely and the white wine sangria, lip-smacking good.

I bought the most enormous white and gold floppy straw hat yesterday. It is both ridiculous AND glorious. So far, my plan to start saving extra money is not going so well. Today will be better. *nods*

Speaking of spending money, though, I am thinking about asking for a kindle for my birthday. My inner librarian has been steadfastly against it, but I realize that I just don't have the room for all my damn books plus packing three or four hardbacks every time I go on vacation is getting hard on the old carcass (dragging my carry on across San Fran, on the BART, and through the airport convinced me). I may have to keep some books for nostalgic purposes and because I love the way they smell...but I just feel like I'm ready to take the next step. *excite*

Ugh. I want a cupcake so bad right now, but all my milk is spoiled and I'd rather be hogtied to an anthill than go to the grocery store on a Sunday afternoon. Maybe later...

baking, shopping, books, shakespeare, i hate the grocery store, i like culture and shit, cupcakes, retail therapy

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