So tired...

Aug 07, 2010 00:58

The McNay Art Museum was gorgeous (and free!). Their collection is small, but it is one of the most beautiful spaces, ever. Unfortunately, I forgot my phone in the car so I didn't take pictures. They have a gorgeous Chagall that I am in love with, but hands down, the greatest thing we saw was a pop art piece done by Roger Shimomura. It was several different anime characters mixed with the Power Puff Girls and spaceships and in the center was the artist dressed as Jan Cogo from SF Saiyuki Starzinger, holding a paintbrush. ♥ ♥ ♥

I am easy like a Sunday morning, people.

Today I got my hair cut (finally!) and we saw The Other Guys, starring my sekrit boyfriend Will Ferrell. It was hilarious and weird all at once. But what else do you expect with Mr. Ferrell?! Good times.

Tonight we went to the Magik Theater (local children's theater) to see Snow White and the Seven Amigos. It was awesomely funny, being a little amateur and slightly offensive. But if you were to mix Snow White with a dash of The Magnificent Seven and dress it up with sombreros and Speedy Gonzalez style accents, you will have the gist of it. Still, the actors (who also put on Shakespeare in the Park every year) show that comedy is their strong suit. I wouldn't mind seeing it again.

Came home and had a nice long talk with the Kid, wherein we discussed the theory of barefoot running, argued over the correct pronunciation of "Chagall," and quoted a good portion of The Matchmaker.

All in all, it's been a good couple of days. ^______^

theater, i like culture and shit, the kid, art, happiness, anime

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