1. The Last Airbender was, unfortunately, very bad. What a waste of
Jackson "Fine Ass" Rathbone. The special effects and fight scenes were mostly good. I loves me some slo-mo action sequences so I can actually see what is going on. But the writing and most of the acting and the overall herky-jerky storytelling was just...yuck. Oh, M. Night. I still love you, though. Not enough to go see another midnight showing of yours, but still...
2. Thanks to the non-stop rain and time of the month, I now am enjoying horrible cramps/my period and the biggest sinus headache ever to set up residence in my noggin simultaneously. Ugh. Everything hurts and squirts. Sorry for the TMI.
4. Due to all of the above, I got nothing done at work today and thus have to work tonight. Which I am going to do momentarily. I swear.