Aug 10, 2009 01:24
Green Day was awesome!!! They all looked and sounded fantastic. I think I had forgotten how much I love their music. And hearing them live and listening to how effing great they sound after all these years just made me so happy. Of course, the usual happened - got stepped on (go steel toes!), got beer poured on me, I elbowed a couple of dicks, and screamed in the beer-pourer's ear until he moved away from me. : )
I am so very tired from jumping and dancing around for two and a half hours in Dr. Martens...totally feeling my age here. I had a general admission ticket, so I slammed two beers and waded into the crowd. I felt bad, but laughed so hard when they came out and Billie Joe yelled, "Everyone on your feet, this isn't fucking Coldplay!" My only complaint is he said "San Antonio" like 80 times throughout the night. But it got everyone riled up, so you know. Good on him.
I was pretty close, too! How close? When the pyrotechnics went off, I could feel the heat on my face and when Billie Joe used his super-soaker on the audience, I got wet! Woohoo! Unfortunately, there was a no camera policy (which is stupid because everyone - except me - had an iPhone or similar and was taking way better pictures and video than my camera would have! Re. Tarded.
Billie Joe loves interacting with the crowds, pulling people on the stage, making everyone yell, running up and down the aisles, and even mooning us (I can never unsee that white ass...). It was too bad people were such weenies. I mean, he was trying to get people to come up and sing and these people would be jumping up and down and screaming and once he pulled them up, it was like they were frozen, whispering into the microphone and looking like deer in the headlights. He asked one woman to stage dive and she ran to the edge of the stage, wussied out, and kind of fell over. Ho. Hum. Also, there were lots and lots of kids in the audience. Like 10-year-olds. I find that...strange.
At the very end, they released a shitload of confetti/ticker tapes (?) into the audience and I felt like I had won something. Seriously, though, I was picking that stuff out of my bra all the way home. But they sang Time of Your Life as their final encore and it just made me so happy and nostalgic and glad that after being DENIED by the infamous burrito run of '94, I was finally able to see Green Day.
Oh, yeah - Franz Ferdinand was great, too, but they played for barely 30 minutes. WTH?!
green day,
90s nostalgia,