I'm losing faith in gravity

Apr 03, 2009 15:38

I am freakin' exhausted by the work week. Tuesday was a bad, bad day. But life goes on and all that jazz. Today was considerably better since I didn't have to go in and give a tour, fix a problem or test something, which is what I have been doing recently on my days off to the delight of my bank account and to the detriment of my peace of mind.

In cool news, the crab apple tree in my backyard is blooming like crazy with little white flowers! Also, I bought one of these AeroGardens at Target for 75% off. I also bought the herb, green bean, and salad green seeds to go with it. Hooray for teeny tiny indoor gardens! I think these are so cool; I have wanted one since I first saw it. So sci-fi and classroom projecty. I know, it's weird but I am so excited!

In real news, somewhere deep inside my brain, I have been hyperventilating constantly at the thought of picking a career/master's program/making any kind of decision really. It's always there: when I'm happy or emo. When I'm wasting time in front of the computer or when I'm just trying to keep my head above water. I've studied up on lots of different job options and plenty of different degrees. I find myself disappointed in a lot of the "online, working person's masters degrees." They seem kind of fake. Maybe that is a misconception I have, but...yeah.

So I still don't know. But I am approaching a decision (yeesh). I just really need to make the right choice because I already fucked this up once before and now I have a house and bills and JP and the kitties to think of. I can't fuck up again or it might hurt us all. Mmmm, so deliciously melodramatic and emo...

work!crap, emo, shopping, yay, wah wah wah

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