Happy Turkey Day and a question!

Nov 27, 2008 11:09

Happy Thanksgiving to all who celebrate it! I was trying to watch the Macy's Day Parade but I was dying of boredom so I stopped.

ETA: Apparently I missed the part where the Macy's Day Parade got rickrolled. *sigh*

JP and I are also making a list of places to visit tomorrow to get our Black Friday on. I am not making any big purchases, so I am kinda eh about the whole thing. Oh, well. Won't it be fun to wrestle with people in the middle of the night over parking spaces and the last pair of lounge pants in the sale bins at Old Navy? No? Okay.

Oh, yeah - the real reason for this post. I have been reading Twilight and I have a question that is driving me insane. I tried reading discussion boards, but all I got was a face full of spoilers not pertaining to my questions.

Does it ever get explained why Edward can't read Bella's thoughts? Are you telling me she is the ONLY person he's come across in almost a hundred years that was able to brain block him? I was just wondering. Because if the author explains it eventually, I can wait to read about it.

In non-spoilery Twilight thoughts: I am enjoying the book although it makes me giggle a little bit. It's very much a romance novel without the sex. I can dig it - like I said the story idea really appeals to me. But if she mentions the words "butterscotch," "Adonis," or "incandescent" one more time, I am going to lose it. I am definitely not above it, though - I kid because I love. The weird part is...I think I prefer the movie to the book. Crazy!

Also, I am rolling my eyes at schools trying to ban the Twilight books. Yes, there are many aspects of the main relationship that are unhealthy. But if that is the reason, then you need to yank Wuthering Heights (my personal favorite dysfunctional relationship novel) off the curriculum as well. Hell, wipe out Hemingway, Hardy, and any number of old school American male authors who make their female characters into unrealistic cariacatures of virginal purity or slutty slutty whores.

It's like I've always said: if you are a teenage girl and use fiction as a relationship guide? You have bigger troubles than the ideas Twilight is going to give you.

ANYWAY. I'm going to stop now because I didn't mean to get sidetracked.

Off to go make candied yams for Thanksgiving at my sisters. Later, ya'll!!!

thanksgiving, twilight

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