I really, really want a beer. Just one. Make it a Texas Red Eye. Hold the vodka and the raw egg.

Apr 06, 2008 23:54

It's that time of year again...I am really, really, REALLY in the mood to hit up some anime conventions. Sitting out Sakura Con made me ten shades of sad. Barring any big financial obligations next year, i.e. foreign weddings, I will make room for at least one out-of-state con. Yes! Dammit!

In other news, I have a meme stolen from
snowcalico. Many thanks, sweetie!

1. My username is ______ because ______.

joseishijin, although I have been contemplating changing for awhile now. I used it because it was my handle on the animanga cel forum (remember those days, dear friends?). It means 'poetess' and, no, I do not have delusions of grandeur...I just like writing really bad free form poetry when the mood strikes. ^___^

2. My name is _____ because ______.

My name is Melissa because my mom liked the name. It was very popular in the early 70s.

3. My journal is titled ____ because ____.

'You're So Vain, You Probably Think this LJ is About You.' I had a friend in college who used to tease me that I could not pass a mirror without looking at myself. She used to sing 'You're So Vain' to me, trying to be cute, but veering towards bitchy. Anyhoo, I was actually very self-conscious of how I looked and was constantly checking to make sure nothing was amiss. So, I figured there isn't anything quite as self-absorbed as a diary, so there you go!

4. My friends page is called ____ because ____.

'Friends.' I am le boring.

5. My default userpic is ____ because ____.

A picture I stole from a t-shirt I bought at Threadless T-Shirts. It's a brown girl with headphones on. And I am brown and like to wear headphones. Not all the time, obviously. But you know. Sometimes.

6. My LJ name (you know how you can change that sort of sub-name thing?) is:

'Simultaneously Funny & Sad.' Anyone out there a fan of the ridiculously wonderful Gene Wilder and Madeline Kahn? They starred in the hilarious 'Sherlock Holmes' Smarter Brother.' Since my parents never regulated anything we watched as children, I saw this movie when I was like 7 and didn't get half the nasty jokes. Now I do. Score. Anyway, Madeline Kahn's character describes herself as simultaneously funny and sad. It's just a little piece of absurdity that has stuck with me and actually describes me very well!

7. What side of a heart do you draw first?


8. Can you dive without plugging your nose?

Yes, but I don't like to.

9. What color is your razor?


10. What is your blood type?


11. What color is your mouse?

Black and gun-metal gray.

12. What is a rumor someone has spread about you?

Oh, geez. I've had a couple of guys spread not-nice rumors about me, or specifically about me AND them. Totally not true, but there you have it.

13. How many chairs at the dining room table?

Four chairs and a bench. I love the bench!

14. Which is the best Spice Girl?

That's funny - my friend's little girl named us after the Spice Girls. I think she called me Posh because of my haircut at the time. So I guess she's my favorite, LOL!

15. Do you know what time it is?

Past my bedtime.

16. Do you know the words to the Fresh Prince Theme song?

Most of them, I must admit.

17. How are you feeling right now?

Sick and stuffed up.

18. What's your favorite kind of gum?

Orbit's bubblemint.

19. Do you have a crush on anyone?

Yes! Currently, I have crushes on the following: Kairi Okayasu (have been watching Peach Girl), Fai (Fay?) from Tsubasa, JP's hair (he's letting it grow), blue eyes in general, and David Cook's voice. Ask me again tomorrow and I will have new answers because not only am I le boring, but I am le fickle too!

20. Do you know how to use some words correctly?

No. Damn! I mean, yes!

21. Do you like to sleep?

It's definitely one of my top 5 favorite things to do.

22. Do you know which US states don't use Daylight Savings Time?

Arizona and Hawaii for sure.

23. Do you know the song Total Eclipse of the Heart?

Of course! That song rocks!

24. Do you want a bright yellow '06 mustang?

No thanks. I've already had a Mustang and wasn't too impressed with it.

25. What's something you've always wanted/recently wanted?

A clean house. More specifically a house that was cleaned for me, not by me.

26. Would you rather swim in the ocean or a lake?

Ocean. For some reason, I've had a lot of negative experiences swimming in lakes.

27. Do you wear a lot of black?

Oh yeah.

28. Describe your hair?

I recently had it cut with a razor! There are pictures I am too lazy to post! Boo!

29. Where is/are your best friend(s)?

Nay-nay is my oldest and dearest friend; she lives outside of Austin, about 2 hours away from me.

30. Do you have a tan?

Yes, a natural one.

31. What's the last thing you ate?

Jolly Rancher Screaming Sours.

32. Do you enjoy spending time with your mother?

Absolutely. She's hilarious!

33. Are you a sugar freak?

Sometimes I crave it, but usually a bite or two of something sweet will curb the desire.

34. Do you like orange juice?

Not really.

35. What sign are you?


36. Where would you like to be right now?

A place where my allergies won't flare up. : (

david cook, meme, cons

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