HIther, thither, and yon...

Jan 21, 2008 21:16

Have been running around like a mad person, working and spending my time off either helping mom at grandma's house or just being with her because she is a little down.

Busy, busy little bee, as my father used to say whenever he would come across me engrossed in a book/homework/project.

At grandma's, I found a pair of pretty, old fashioned champagne/martini (?) glasses that are shown in a picture of my grandparents toasting each other. I thought they would make a nice wedding gift for the Kid, along with a copy of that picture. Also found some Texas-themed glasses for him, seeing as he loves all things Lone Star State-related.

My mother gave me some of my grandmother's costume jewelry, but the best thing I found that no one else seemed to want were a couple of partially disintegrated notebooks that included, among other things, a hand-written family tree going back a few generations and some notes on my grandma's life. I am going to transcribe them and hand them out to anyone who is interested. I'm very excited because I had interviewed her in the past and, like an idiot, lost the notes and the paper I wrote. I also found a diary of my aunt's from the late 1940s, but we gave that back to her.

It's hard going through grandma's things, but funny too, as we are finding all kinds of stuff that takes us back to childhood and happy memories seem to be scattered throughout the tiny, rundown old house.

This Sunday we went to see 27 Dresses, which was cute and predictable fun. I then took a couple of movies to my mom's house and hung out with her. We watched The Queen and Marie Antoinette. I was disappointed in The Queen because I had really high expectations (it had been nominated for lots of awards). I found it rather snooze-worthy. Which is pretty damn insane, considering my overdeveloped interest in the British monarchy. Helen Mirren was great, though. Made me feel sympathy for the Queen, which can't be an easy thing to do.

Marie Antoinette was lovely eye candy, but not much else. All those desserts! LOL... I actually thought it was a depressing movie, mainly because you already know the ending. However, Sophia Coppola gets all my love and a box of chocolates for using New Order on her soundtrack for the movie. I dug around and FINALLY found my New Order CDs so I could hear Ceremony. *lurves*

I am so old, for reals. Somebody, please humor me and tell me you love New Order, too! ^_~

me: [talking about Marie Antoinette] Well, at least Sophia Coppola didn't make Kirsten Dunst speak with an accent. Everyone spoke in their own vernacular.
the Kid: Like, oh my god! Let them eat cake, or something!

me: [talking about books] It's about how the author walked across Afghanistan and learned about their culture
the Kid: You mean like how they wipe their behinds with their left hand?
me: Uh, yeah.
the Kid: So what's the book called?
me: The Places Between

*here the conversation stops for a full five minutes while we laugh until we can't laugh anymore...truly we are twelve years old FOREVER*

the kid, movies, familia, death

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