So, as of last night, I am on vacation. The only thing that would make me happier would be if I could have Christmas week off, but I'll take what I can get. Rock on!
Last night, JP took me to see
Lars and the Real Girl, probably one of the best movies I've seen in a long, long time. Go see it. Even if the premise sounds strange, go see it. It's warm and funny and sad and weird and very, very touching. *sniffle*
RightStuf is tempting me sorely with the cheap Hana Yori Dango DVDs. But, cheap as the set is, it's still nearly $100 smackers. *le sigh*
We are going out to eat for my birthday, so I must choose a restaurant that everyone likes...oi.
Damn, the wind is blowing so hard, the house is creaking.