Wanderings, classical music, and daylight savings can SUCK IT!

Mar 11, 2007 21:51

Ever since I found out that Arizona doesn't observe Daylight Savings, I have been pea-green with envy. In a country obsessed with time, Arizona is Timex Switzerland. And what the Hell...springing forward this early in the year is unnatural! Would any of this have been neccesary if we had just stuck with the Mayan calendar?

Feel free to disabuse me of my notions...half the time I don't know what I'm spluttering on about, anyway. *grin*

Okay, now for the big news: I am going to Japan in May so I can visit the awesome Arwen and also fulfill a longtime dream. I can't wait! I am simultaneously thrilled and terrified. I am also an idiot because I booked the majority of my trip during a time when the Ghibli Museum will be closed. Yeesh. But as JP put it, there's always next year. And the idea that I would make this a yearly vacation fills me with much *squee*.

But I am getting ahead of myself. I know some of you are veterans of Japan travel, so if ya'll have any helpful hints, I would love to hear 'em. I am currently studying a couple of guides and poring over atlases and train schedules. Also, I have "Where is the bathroom?" and "How much is it?/I'll take it!" down. Well, it's a start, anyway.

In local news, two of the other supervisors are on vacay this week, so in addition to the HELL that is software upgrades, I will be covering their stuff, too. Hello, fourth week in a row where I hit or surpass 50 hours!

Also - I am happy that we received rain, but that meant scrapping plans to go to the outlet mall in San Marcos today. Pooh.

Aaaand, I don't know if I mentioned it or not, but the antenna snapped off my Jeep last week, so now I get two stations on my radio: a popular rock one and the classical station. Who knew they had such a strong signal? Anyhoo, I've been listening to a lot of classical music, feeling all pleased with myself because I can correctly identify like 30% of the music they play. It reminds me of how, as a child, I used to incessantly listen to my dad's record (RECORD!!!) collection of classical composers and make up little stories to go with each piece. Told you I was strange. Time Life Famous Classical Composers and Michael Jackson's Thriller would pretty much sum up the musical stylings of Melissa, circa 1983.

Okay, I'll shut up now.

work crap, classical music, japan, travel

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