OMG! Cat drama!

Oct 07, 2006 00:58

The cats have gone insane. Or rather, Ohno has gone insane. For the past two days, Ohno has been attacking Spike. Unprovoked (as far as we can tell) and unrelenting. They have always been good buddies, but yesterday, out of the blue, Ohno went after him and the sound made my heart stop. Since then, we have taken to locking one or the other up in the master bedroom. I don't know what to do. Anyone ever heard of this? They are both male, both fixed. There are no females in the house. I am at a loss. All the kitties are wigging out due to the tension. *sigh*

I personally thought it was kind of depressing. Basically, the movie said that even if you have a great guy, he will be tempted to cheat and chances are probably pretty decent that he will act on that desire. My mom disagreed, saying that it showed 1. No man ever wants to get married and that's why you have to "convince" them and 2. All couples have problems. And while I won't dispute anything Mom says about relationsips, the whole thing just hit way too close to home . The whole series of scenes from the time the girlfriend is frantically calling him to when Zach Braff's character confesses to her was such a kick in the stomach. I literally felt sick. I kept thinking if Mr. Braff keeps making movies that resonate so deeply with my own personal experiences, I will have to ask for royalties.

In a way, the movie was good in that it was honest. But it made me sad because 1. she forgave him and had to live with that knowledge and 2. my own relationship ended after a similar altercation because we didn't love each other enough to stand it. And I'm sad because I didn't have the forgiveness then and I honestly don't know if I could ever forgive something like that.

Now, I know our biology is against us. I understand that we are attracted to plenty of people during our lifetime. I know that just because I am in a good relationship, I am not immune. But the thought of having to forgive infidelity leaves me cold.

Maybe I am just a cold person at heart. Maybe I would feel differently if it was the "right" guy. For example, theoretically,  I am more likely to forgive JP for cheating than I was the Dreaded Ex because the love I have for JP is richer, more mature than what I had for DE. But ya'll know that I have a hard time letting go of little stuff. Can you imagine something like this? It's a scary thought.

movies, cats

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