You have been warned...

Jul 22, 2006 01:53

Can't stay away from the memes. It's a sickness! LOL...

1. Yes, I Am Blind - Morrissey

Yes, I am blind
But I do see
Evil people prosper
Over the likes of you and me

The thing I love about Morrissey is that I will forget how wonderful some of his songs are because I get fixated on one or two per CD. Then, when I go back and replay the whole thing, I always hear others and I'm like, "Whoa...that is so awesome!" It's like finding five dollars in the bottom of your purse. And this song is pure Morrissey: lyric-driven, haunting melody, and angst up the yin yang.

2. La Cigarra - Linda Ronstadt

Bajo la sombra de un arbol
Y al compas de mi guitarra
Canto alegre este huapango
Porque la vida se acaba
Y quiero morir cantando
Como muere la cigarra.

[The lyrics, to the best of my paltry ability, go something like this: under the shade of a tree, in the guidance of my guitar, I happily sing this huapango (er...folk song?). Because when this life is over, I want to die singing as the cicada dies.]

I love that Linda, bless her roller disco heart, made an entire album of ranchera (mariachi) music. And seriously - how does she hold those notes? I leave the room and come back and she's still going, "Aiiii-la-la-laaaaaaaaaaaaa!"

3. Brick - Ben Folds Five

And we drive
Now that I have found someone
I'm feeling more alone
Than I ever have before
She's a brick and I'm drowning slowly
Off the coast and I'm headed nowhere
She's a brick and I'm drowning slowly

Totally feeding my need for sad songs from the 90s. The image in my head when I hear this song is Dallas, bitter cold. I am scraping ice off my windshield and hoping the highways aren't closed. I'm cold and running late and feeling very young and wanting to see my family really badly. Even though I have been living with my boyfriend for a couple of years, I have never felt so lonely or so on my own. I am 23 and broke and scared shitless that I might actually be a grown up. No one told me it was going to be like this or feel like this. And climbing into the car to hear this was just eerie and fitting somehow.

4. Dani California - Red Hot Chili Peppers

Not really into the lyrics, but I listened to this song 3272 times when I visited the Kid and it stuck with me. At one point, he turned to me and asked, "If there was no California, what would the Chili Peppers sing about?" Hmmm. What, indeed?

5. Ultimate Showdown - Lemon Demon

Too many excellent (and verbose) lyrics to list, but any song that mentions the Care Bear Stare is going to get a lot of repeat playing on my iTunes. LOL! Totally awesome song...just from a pop culture stand point. *boogies*

6. Insensitive - Jann Arden

How do you turn your eyes, from the romantic glare?
How do you block the sound
Of a voice you'd know anywhere?

I love her lyrics like I love Sarah McLachlan's - they just resonate so deeply. Another in my Sad Song Wuv list that is getting heavy rotation. I love how it starts out, all beautiful and longing and then it's like, "Ouch, muthafucka!"

7. I'll Be - Edwin McCain

Rain falls angry on the tin roof
As we lie awake in my bed
You're my survival, you're my living proof
My love is alive not dead

Just another love song that makes me jealous as Hell for some reason. Makes me think, why has no man every written a song like that about me? And then I think of a fortune cookie fortune I got once: To be loved, be lovable. Oh. Nevermind.


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