The How Verse - How Michael Novak Met Dean Winchester (And Hated Him Instantly) (chap 17/25)

Aug 22, 2012 13:06

Title: The How Verse - How Michael Novak Met Dean Winchester (And Hated Him Instantly) (chap 17/25)
Fandom: Supernatural (AU)
Author: Joseethefirst
Rating: G (higher rating in later chapters)
Characters/Pairings: Destiel/Sabriel later
Warnings: SHENANIGANS, underaged sex and a scene from The Office for my Bro
Word Count: 1927 words
Summary: The lives of four people change in a span of a year shown through fragmented memories. It centers mostly around Castiel.


Chapter 17: The Novaks leave during March break for work, Gabriel and Castiel throw a party.

It was a particularly warm March that led to the Novak’s pool being warm and ready to enjoy. Michael, though, couldn’t care less. It was March break for the high schools and Michael and the rest of his family, minus Castiel and Gabriel, had to leave for a business trip. If it were a regular teenager, Michael would be worried about leaving a 17 year old boy alone for March Break. (Alone because he didn’t consider Gabriel adult supervision at all). But this was Castiel. Castiel, his incredibly responsible, devout, chaste, polite, little brother who was mature beyond his years. Michael had much faith in his little brother. He was such a good boy. Zachariah showed up though at the last minute, insisting that he wanted to be present to this business trip, which made sense since he was CEO of the European branch of Novak Industries. Along with him came his son Balthazar. Balthazar was a bit of a wild card in his opinion, but he was sure that Castiel would behave and keep everything in order.

The minute Michael and everybody else left, Castiel smiled. Balthazar raised a brow, watching his cousin hum softly as he grabbed the remote for the outdoor sound system. Balthazar smirked “Cassy, dear, what are you up to?” Castiel smirked and then took off his shirt humming. He then turned and fixed his hair in the mirror, humming “I’m throwing a small party for my best friend and my boyfriend.” Balthazar blinked and then grinned brightly, in awe. “Cassy, Cassy, Cassy, Cassy! Look at you! I didn’t know you had a boyfriend! Darling, you have to tell me about him!” Castiel grinned “Want to talk about it over margaritas?” Balthazar chuckled “Margaritas? Really, Cassy?” Castiel smirked “Why the hell not?”

By the time Sam and Dean showed up, the party had already started. Gabriel, Balthazar and Castiel were poolside. (Castiel did figure out how to make margaritas and was rather proud of it too. But he was afraid of spilling it so he kept it on the pool’s edge). Gabriel was mixing drinks on a table near the pool while Balthazar and Castiel were floating on pool rafts, yakking away. Dean smirked, gesturing to Gabriel to be quiet as he removed his shirt, kicked off his shoes and slowly slunk into the pool. Sam chuckled softly, going up to Gabriel. The two exchanged a small kiss and watched everything unfold.

One thing people didn’t know about Dean, was that he was actually an excellent swimmer, He stayed underwater, quickly slinking near Castiel, waiting for just the right moment to burst out of the water, grab Castiel, making him cry in surprised and pulled him underwater. They both rose up to the surface, moments later, with Dean laughing and Castiel still looking shocked. Balthazar blinked, his mouth still gaping from the moment Cas was grabbed and burst into laughter as well. Castiel pouted playfully at Dean before throwing his arms around the other’s neck and kissing Dean deeply. “So, I’m assuming this is the boyfriend?” Castiel broke the kiss and laughed softly “Dean, this is Balthazar, my cousin, Balthazar, this is Dean.” “Balthazar, man, you win for the oddest name in the family.” Balthazar did a small bow “Thank you, thank you!” “Is it another angel?” Balthazar smirked “Sure is.” Castiel then tapped Balthazar on the shoulder and pointed to Sam near Gabriel. “And that’s Sam, I’ve told you about him too! He’s Dean’s little brother. ” Balthazar raised a brow. “The one who’s so close to Gabriel they’re practically sharing air?” Dean huffed “Yeah that’s him.”  Sam quickly made his way into the pool and swam up to everyone, Gabriel in tow pushing along a floating table with drinks all over it. “So,” started Gabriel “I picked up the two margaritas. Castiel, yours is on the left. I got a porn star for me, and two beers for Grumpy and Sammy. Time to get this party started, shall we?”

The party was in full swing when suddenly the back door was opened. “What the hell is going on here?!” everybody froze and turned to see who was the source of the voice was. To their surprise, it was Lucifer! “Luci…how come you’re home?” Lucifer shrugged “I just tried to stab Michael with a pencil. So he sent me ho-IS THAT TEQUILLA?!”

Hours later and many, many drinks later for some, Balthazar, Gabriel, Sam and Lucifer found themselves in the living room. Balthazar was splattered across the top edge of the couch. Gabriel and Sam though, they had decided that they were going to built a fort - and by god, they did. Gabriel and Sam were just about to scamper inside when Lucifer dove and blocked the way. Gabriel blinked, looking at Lucifer confused while Sam slowly moved to hide behind Gabriel. “…Can I help you, Luci?” Lucifer grinned “Welcome to Hotel Hell. Check-in time is now, check-out time is never.” Gabriel made a straight face “Does my room have cable?” “No. And the sheets are made of fire.” Gabriel did an exaggerated eye roll and sighed loudly. Sam chuckled. “Can I change rooms?” “Sorry, we’re all booked up. Hell convention in town.” Gabriel sighed loudly again “Can I have a late check-out?” “I’ll have to talk to the manager.” Gabriel paused, and then he lifted a brow. “You’re not the manager? Even in your own fantasy?” Lucifer paused, the smile quickly fading from his face. He growled, getting up “I’m going to go franchise now!” and skipped out of the room. Gabriel blinked and then burst into laugher “What the hell was that?” “Freaky, that’s what.” Gabriel lifted a brow, but then smiled softly, shifting to pull Sam into a hug. “Wanna go in?” Sam nodded brightly. This was going to be fun!

Once they were settled into the fort, they had a small chuckle about how their legs stuck out of the fort. Sam shifted, moving so that he could lie slightly on Gabriel. Gabriel smiled, nuzzling Sam softly. “Hey kiddo, you’re being awfully cute tonight.” Sam blushed a bit, and then did his trademark bitchface. “Hey. Be nice.” Gabriel chuckled softly, nuzzling Sam again. “I am being nice. This is nice.” There was a pause before Gabriel spoke up again. “I’m really glad to talked me into trying us, kiddo. I think it’s one of the best things I’ve ever done.” Sam smiled brightly, moving to loom over Gabriel and kiss him deeply. “I think so too.”

“Dean, you’re drunk!” stated Castiel, giggling a bit as he fell back on his bed. Dean growled playfully, climbing over Castiel and kissing him softly. “Hmm, just buzzed, babe.” Castiel snorted, kissing Dean back. “Hmm, sure, sure.” Dean chuckled, moving in to drop soft kisses on Castiel’s neck, pausing to suck softly on it. “I mean it Cas, I’m just buzzed.” Castiel smiled “Hmm, and how can you be so sure?” “A drunk man can’t get an erection, yet I’m well on my way.” Castiel burst into a small fit of laughter, not expecting that answer. That made Dean smile. “I love you so much, Cas.” Castiel blinked, the fit instantly stopping. “Dean?” “Babe, I love you so much that man, I don’t know, I just want to whisk you away to the nearest state where it’s legal and marry the shit out of you.” Castiel’s eyes widen in shock, yet he was unable to stop smiling. “Do you want kids? I want kids.” Castiel nodded shyly “I want kids.” Dean smiled fondly at Castiel “I knew you were perfect.” “You’re drunk, Dean.” “M’not lying” Castiel smile softly, pulling Dean down for a tender kiss. “I think you’re perfect too. And I’d marry the crap out of you too.” Dean grinned brightly, stealing another kiss from Castiel. Then he smirked, growling softly “Now let me show you just how drunk I’m not.”

The next morning, Michael and Anna got out of the chartered car walking up to the house. They paused when they heard loud music playing in the backyard. They deviated their route and made their way to the back. When they pushed the gate, they were shocked at what they saw. There was a table by the pool littered in alcohol, clothes scattered everywhere, the sound system was blasting music loudly and in the middle of the pool, floating in an inner tube was Lucifer. Lucifer though was sporting a feather boa, a guitar hero guitar around his neck and bottles of tequila on his lap. Michael was furious. He stormed into the house, Anna following suite and got angrier at what he saw. Not only was there a giant fort in the middle of the living room, Balthazar was in his boxers sleeping on top of the edge of the couch and Michael saw two pairs of feet sticking out of the fort. Michael stormed up to the fort, ripping it open only to spot Gabriel sleeping on his back and Sam Winchester curled up besides him. “GABRIEL NOVAK, WHAT THE HECK IS GOING ON HERE?!”

Gabriel and Sam woke up with a jump, looking at Michael horrified “Michael?! What are you doing here?! You should have been gone all week!” Michael growled, annoyed "None of your business why I'm back! Where's Castiel!? If you did ANYTHING to him, I swear to God! You will rue the day you ever came back, you hear me?!" Gabriel snarled "What did you say to me?!" But Michael decided he was done with and quickly made his way up the stairs. Gabriel hissed towards Michael before Sam tugged on Gabriel's sleeve. "Gabe! He's probably with Dean!" Gabriel's eyes couldn't have been wider "OH SHIT!" and they both scrambled up the stairs.

Michael burst into Castiel's room, slamming the door wide. He was relieved to see Castiel but WHO THE HECK WAS THAT MAN?! Both Castiel and the man jumped, instantly waking up and sitting up - THEY'RE NAKED. Gabriel and Sam got to the door, groaned when they saw it was too late and inched a bit away. Anna let out a low wolf-whistle as she checked out the strange male in Castiel's bed, which caused Castiel to snarl at her. "What the hell are you two doing?!" Michael blinked, surprised. What the heck was this?! "CASTIEL! WHY IS THERE A NAKED MAN IN YOUR BED?! WHO IS HE?! I'M CALLING THE POLICE!" Castiel hissed at Michael. "You call the cops on my boyfriend and you WILL regret it!" BOYFRIEND?! Anna let out a moan of despair, whining that it wasn't fair that Castiel had a hot boyfriend. "SINCE WHEN DO YOU HAVE A BOYFRIEND?! THIS IS WRONG." Castiel snarled "We've been dating for a while now! Now, you are just going to have to deal and get the hell out of my goddamn room! NOW." screamed Castiel, throwing a pillow at Michael. Michael growled, pointing to the offender.


"FINE! JUST GET THE HELL OUT! AND ANNA - STOP STARING AT MY BOYFRIEND'S DICK!"  Castiel also said other things, but Michael was too appalled by the language that came out of his little angel's mouth and had to close the door. His perfect, flawless Castiel was being destroyed by that piece of trash! "Who was that anyways?!" growled Michael, pointing at the door. Gabriel and Sam had smartly run away. "Dean Winchester" offered Lucifer, coming up the stairs yawning. "Sam's older brother." Michael frowned. He wasn't done with this.

destiel, the how verse, fic, sabriel, michael is a hardass

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