Fixing car annoyance, being broke, and that New-Boyfriend Smell!

Feb 09, 2008 01:05

So... I got up early, took Travis to work, dropped my car off and walked to work. This process made me 20 minutes late for work, so I was a tad annoyed. The service lady asked me the absolute latest I could get the car, so I told her one o'clock. She called me at 11:35, letting me know that they figured out the problem, but needed my approval to work on it, and that the service guy in charge of it left for lunch at 11:30, wouldn't be back till 12:30. Yep. Awesome. I left work at 1:20, not having had a phone call yet, but hoping it was done. It was, they just didn't call. So I was annoyed for a bit about that, but that soon gave way to elation that my wipers were fixed. Eh.

In other news: I'm broke. Very broke. But I start modeling for IWU's life drawing class on Monday, and at ISU on Wednesday, so that'll help a lot. I just seriously hope I have enough gas to get me home and back to Normal.

In other, other news(yeah, I saved the best for last): Ian. Yay. That's all right now. I didn't really want to go to FNMN at Kari's tonight, being tired and grouchy, but snuggling up with Ian on the couch was just enough to make me happy. It was a good night, and I learned a bit about Sonic the Hedgehog.

That's all for this evening...
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