This is the part where Amy tries to drown her sexual frustration in rum...

Dec 24, 2007 21:57

Oh yeah, like that was a good idea. Now instead of being bored and lonely, I'm drunk and watching the Big Lebowski with Craig. All kindsa sexually frustrated. But I don't want Craig and I don't want a handful of vibrating latex and internet porn. I'll give y'all one guess as to what I do want. Grr. Craig ran to Walsmart on account a' because I drank all the rum. Whatev. In an almost related note: Travis!!!!!!! I found out what happened to your other Jameson glass! Apparently it fell off the balcony. The downstairs neighbor lady washed it, filled it with candy and brought it back. So it's home now. Yay!
Gonna go... do stuff now. Yeah, that's right, stuff.
luv amy
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