Nov 03, 2010 03:56
My personal feelings about the election today run as contrary to my Liberal friends lamentations of the election results as much they do towards fist-pumping, by the Conservatives I know.
The losses were not quite so devastating as they think and the victories not quite so triumphant .
I feel sorry for those who voted for change (myself included) and received more of the same. We were so blinded by the thirst for true change we were temporarily quenched by the simple utterance of the word by Obama and the Democrats. It reminds me of the way the mere mention of the word God by George Bush was enough to blind the hopeful and give him both Carte Blanche and a pass for everything that transpired under his and Cheney's junta. No real difference to be honest. Except, maybe, Progressives woke from their stupor and the religuslous couldn't.
I feel for the Progressives who thought the nation was finally going to move into the light. I feel equally as sorry Conservatives who feel they have changed things in a positive direction.
It's no different from having a preference for Pepsi of Coke. Both try to point out how their sugary, cola drink which is packaged in similar containers, with similar ingredients is better than the other guy (I prefer Coke, by the way).
I watched the election results with little interest. Unlike the deflated/inflated crowd, I am overwhelmingly nonplussed by the results.