Holidays & crap

Dec 31, 2006 17:01

So here I am.  At the dorms by myself.  On New Year's Eve.  No boyfriend, no friends, no roommates, not even a fish.  The surprising thing is that this doesn't really phase me.  I'm actually kind of happy to have some time to myself.  I've been at home for the past couple of weeks and everyone down there was working and going to bed by 10 o'clock every night.  It was absurd.  So I stopped in Deland yesterday to see Gram and Pop and Auntie Doreen and Uncle George and Dad and Amy.  It was fun.  We ate dinner (turkey tetrazini ironically) and drank wine and were merry.  Pop seems to be doing better but his condition has worsened considerably since the last time I saw him and that took some getting used to but it was really good to see them.  Gram seems to be in tip top health, of course.  I realized while I was there, that as far as Nablo's go, the women in our family seem to be the emasculated, stronger halves.  I talked to Aunt Judy on the phone.  She sounds like everything is going good in Ohio and had some good advice as far as my academic career- she suggested looking into schools that offer an MSW program.  I hadn't really thought about that.  So I'll do that.
Speaking of my academic career, I'm only a year away from completing my bachelors in Criminal Justice!  Yay!!  I'll be graduating in the Spring of 2008, just after my braces are taken off!  Double yay!  This is what the next year will look like:

Spring '07

Drugs and Society
Fiction Workshop
Juvenile Justice
Court Systems and Processes
Social Work as a Profession

Summer '07

2 undetermined Foreign Cultures

Fall '07

Research Methods in CJ
Law Enforcement Systems and Processes
Family Violence
Social Welfare Institutions
Pre Internship

Spring '08

Community Agency Practicum
Child Abuse/Incest

I still have to map all this out with a counselor but... hopefully it'll work!  I'm not sure if I'm supposed to take other classes while I'm doing my internship, and that's pretty much the only stipulation to the plan.  I don't think it'll be a big deal but I probably won't be able to work... aww, damn.

Speaking of work, I'm currently unemployed!  I quit Old Navy, well, I guess the the term is terminated :(  .  Oh well.  I didn't really enjoy any aspect of that job except the pay and the people for the most part.   I'm looking into getting a job at one of a few places: Coconuts Music, Starbucks, or Barnes and Noble.  I think any of those jobs would be good because they're more along the lines of things that I like: music, books, coffee hee hee.  I can't really apply anywhere now but I will in the coming week.  There's a Starbucks opening on campus too so that would be awesome!

In other news, yes, I'm single and loving it.  I was hating it for a while.  It seemed like at home everyone had someone and I was all alone.  But, honestly I'm not ready to get involved with anyone right now and I know this and am going to try and just be happy by myself for a while.  I'm still hung up on Mike sort of, I'm sad to admit.  I don't understand why really, but I am.  I guess I was just so happy with him and now he's gone and moved on to some other girl and left me behind.  That kind of makes me feel like a piece of shit.  At least she's fat and double chinny.  Damn I'm mean.

My cousin Brooks is getting married on June 30th.  I'm really happy for him despite the fact that I believe he's WAY too young to get married.  Dustin doesn't even have a girlfriend and is living at the cabin.  I think that's cute.  I miss those boys.  Hopefully I'll be able to make it up to CT for the wedding.

So I'm thinking of possibly joining the Airforce after I graduate.  Is that crazy?  I talked to Uncle George and Auntie Doreen about it because Dustin did it and they seemed to have nothing negative to say about it except, Uncle George: "Just don't go into flight," which is exactly what I want to do.  Apparently that's more dangerous.  Dad seems to like the idea too- he seems like he would love it if I joined.  I'm not sure how much of that is the 'I wish I had a son' feeling as opposed to military enthusiasm because he seems to have plenty of both.  On the other hand, I'm about 85% sure that Mom would disown me if I joined the U.S. military.  I think that's probably the very last thing she would ever want me to do.  At the mere mention of the subject she fired about seven different deathly reasons not to join the military and had me partly convinced that if I even made an appointment to meet a recruiter I would be brainwashed.  I really don't think this would happen though and, after some thought, I decided that I would try and talk to a recruiter because I need more information and the website is completely useless.  I tried to explain to her that I'm not a complete idiot and am certainly not going to sign anything unless I'm sure it's what I want.  What I want is to fly.  It's been a dream of mine for a long time and as long as they don't send me to the sandbox (which I'm pretty sure they wouldn't) I'd be happy with the free training and money to pay off my student loans.  On top of that, if I join after I graduate, I'd be entering as an officer.  From what I've heard, this means a lot.  It means less intense boot camp, more responsibility and better training and the hope of a better position if I decided to make it a career.  And hopefully I'd get to boss people around.  That'd be fun.

Anyway, enough of that for now.  I'm going to take a shower and find something to do with myself.

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