Jul 11, 2010 00:54
Author junoharkness
Beta: a_silver_story
Rating: NC-17 overall. Don't know how bad this story's going to get
Warnings: None for this chapter
Summary: Ianto wakes up after COE
Disclaimer:If I owned Torchwood, Ianto would of never died, instead Gwen would have taken his place when facing 456. However I don't RTD owns it.
Thanks to a_silver_story for being Beta. Turned out way better than planned
Ianto woke up in his new bed, and lay there letting the last day and a half sink in.
John's house was much, much bigger than Ianto's. Ianto's bedroom on Earth wasn't even half the size of the one John had allowed him to stay in. Getting out of bed, pulling the dressing gown John had left for him around his shoulders and wondering what had possessed John to give him a pink one. Walking up to the dresser, he pulled open a random drawer.
There's a lot of the same clothing in each drawer, all the same size and with a vaguely familiar scent clinging to the fibres. Like a slap, Ianto realises that they belonged to Jack, still there from when John and Jack had been … 'together'.
He slammed the drawer shut in disgust, the thought of Jack bringing up untold bitterness. Opening the door to the walk-in closet, he found himself confronted with a shelf holding up a photograph of Jack at eye-level, all teeth and Harkness Grin. On instinct he simply slammed the door shut again and sat back down on the bed, furious with whatever cruel Fate was at play that he'd even met Captain Jack Harkness. He wouldn't even be in this situation if it wasn't for him. Seriously: who goes into a room containing an alien in a tank and expects to kill said alien just by shooting at the bullet proof glass? He should have at least considered a back up plan …
A growl emanating from his stomach still Ianto's internal rant and forces him to get up and seek out the kitchen and ten breakfast. It's just his luck that there's no food in the kitchen, and at a loss with what to do he makes his way up to John's room to ask if there is food anywhere else.
“John?” he calls, walking into the bedroom and stopping dead in his tracks, discovering John lying on top a purple-skinned humanoid he was very definitely having sex with.
John seemed to find it amusing, glancing over his shoulder without pausing what he was doing. “Ever heard of knocking, Eye-Candy?” he asks with a glint to his eye, clearly enjoying Ianto watching him.
“I was … erm … I-I'll see you later,” Ianto mumbled, the words tumbling out rather fast as his face flushed red.
Retreating as fast as possible, Ianto rushed down the stairs, out into the garden and paused in the fresh air while he calmed down and cleared his head.
“No,” Jack said firmly, sitting down and giving the Doctor a petulant glare.
“Jack, they need you back down on Earth. You were their leader and you just left them,” the Doctor replied, taking a seat opposite him. He wasn't going to let Jack refuse - he would have stayed if the rest of the Universe didn't need him. “I know I wasn't there for you Jack, and I'm so sorry I wasn't. But I can't go back and change anything that happened.”
Jack glared at him, detestation flaring in his chest. He had finally forgiven the Doctor for not being there … and the man himself hasd to go and bring it back up again.
“I'm not going back to Torchwood,” Jack declared. “not after what happened. It's all my fault my friend and … boyfriend … are dead.”
The Doctor simply sighed in melodramatic disappointment. “You can't control what happens to people, Jack. The Earth really needs you right now - Gwen needs you. She's rebuilt Torchwood, but she can't run it by herself, especially with her baby on the way … You also promised Ianto you'd look out for his niece and nephew ...”
Jack's face fell, guilt edging in as he thought about all the people that needed him whom he had simply left behind. He was tired of going on after all his loved ones died - but what else was he supposed to do, being immortal and all?
“Fine,” he agreed petulantly. “I'll go back.”
coe jack ianto john doctor