Jul 05, 2010 06:52
Author junoharkness
Beta: a_silver_story
Rating: NC-17 overall. Don't know how bad this story's going to get
Warnings: None for this chapter
Summary: Ianto wakes up after COE
Disclaimer:If I owned Torchwood, Ianto would of never died, instead Gwen would have taken his place when facing 456. However I don't RTD owns it.
Thanks to a_silver_story for being Beta. Turned out way better than planned
"What am I supposed to do with myself now?" Ianto wondered aloud, realising that by now all his bank accounts would most likely be closed and he couldn't access any of his money. He wanders the streets of Glasgow, aimlessly trying to figure out what the Hell Ianto Jones was supposed to do now that he was dead.
He couldn't contact Gwen, because she would freak out, and Jack ... well, screw Jack. If he didn't have the decency to say 'I love you' or acknowledge that he even cared a bit for you when you were dying, he wasn't worth the time of day.
Rhiannon would most likely faint if he showed up on her doorstep. Well, slap him, then faint, most probably.
Ianto sighed as his stomach started to growl fiercely. He hadn't eaten in -what? ... two days? Weeks? Months? ... could it have even been years? He didn't know what the date was - how would he tell?
Walking into a local shops to steal some food before he starved to death and avoiding being caught by simply not trying to hide his sandwich and walking straight out of the shop with it in his hand on display, he found a local park and sat down on a quiet bench to eat his lunch.
He was just finishing his seemingly meagre food when a deep, sexy, familiar voice smoothly caught his attention.
"Well, well ... if it isn't good ol' Eye-Candy," Captain John smirks, his expression only slightly faltering when their gazes meet and he really sees the mess that is Ianto Jones.
Ianto glared up at John, masking his surprise in seeing him while groaning inside now that he had to deal with his presence. "What do you want, Hart?" he snapped, concentrating on the remnants of his sandwich and feeling his appetite slipping away. He chucks the rest of it into the grass for the birds.
"Nothing," John replies nonchalantly. "I was just in the neighborhood, and stumbled upon your fine self wandering out of Boots with a free sandwich and thought you might want to ... catch up ..."
"I'm not in the mood, John," Ianto sighs, deciding that walking away now would be the best idea. He sharply got to his feet and began to make his way down the footpath.
"What's the matter, Eye-Candy?" John taunted after him. "Jack left you again? Did he go off with his precious Doctor to screw around the Universe?" He was smirking, and Ianto stopped dead in his tracks.
Turning on his heel, Ianto strode straight up to John and without as much as a moment's hesitation, drew back his fist and punched him squarely in the jaw. "I don't ever want to hear that name again!" he growled, watching in satisfaction as John winced and rubbed the purpling skin where Ianto's fist had collided with his face.
Jack was finally starting to recover from the 'incident' with the bedknob, curled up in bed as the last aches were fading. Sitting up, he tried to figure out what to do with himself. He could go anywhere in the Universe right now … but that was exactly the problem. He could go anywhere, but where he really wanted to be was back on twenty-first century earth.
With Ianto.
Jack knows that's the last place he'd be able to go, so pushes all thoughts of it from his mind. He settles on going to the bar instead, and perching on what he'd come to think was 'his' stool. Nursing a glass of whatever it was he'd worked his way down the spirits menu toward, he kept himself to himself. It was still early, so only himself and a couple of other regulars were in, and since they mostly left him alone he had plenty of time to swill the liquid around today's brandy glass and stew. It wasn't long before his thoughts strayed back to Earth: to Torchwood and to Gwen; to Alice, to Steven, to Ianto; Toshiko, Owen, Suzie.
He wondered if it was normal to think of one's friends and family, and realise that eighty per cent of the list were dead because of said thinker.
The bar was starting to fill up, so Jack saved time and ordered the next twenty-six drinks on the menu to work through for the time being. By the time he reaches number nineteen … no … twenty … no … twenty-one? - he's too far out of it to see his beloved Doctor walking all over him.
coe jack ianto john doctor