Sep 02, 2009 12:49
Jack stares at the screen in utter amasment "It is Gwen! Ifans Ianto!" Jack says grinning
"What? Noo, It cant be" she says walking over to the screen. "...Its him, Its really him! Bloody hell jack!"
"The... the gas. he was dead... he was definatly dead! an-and why cant he remember? ... Jack, what do we do? Just ask him 'hey sorry to bother you but you appear to be our dead mate'?"
Jack runs his hand through his hair. "We have to tell him Gwen. We have to see if he remembers anything at all. After I left did they tell you anything else about the victims?"
"...Do you have those anti-retcon pills?"
she asks "remember when he was a woman you gave him one and eventually he remembered
"I do. I'll be right ." Jack says running up to his office. a few minutes later he comes back down with a small pill bottle. "I called him. he's comming down in a minute"
"just dont be too harsh Jack. Poor thing doesnt know whats going on. and we all know how you get when youre excited" she laughs "Bloody hell... Ianto. after all this time. We get to see him again..." she smiles a bit.
"I just can't believe its him though. I finally have him back." Jack grins A few minutes later Ifan comes walking down the stairs and into the hub where jack and gwen are. "What's up Jack?"
"Ifan, Can you come here a second?" Ifan walks over to jack. "You should sit down for this. Well, we got back the results of the test you took, and we found out something... well, interesting."
Ifan sits down and panics a bit, worrying that its something bad "What? whats wrong with me?"
"Well we were looking at youre blood samples and we deicovered something strange..." jack paused"Youre DNA is exactly the smae as Ianto's, and as you know thats impossible... and... well. We have a theory. Here." He says giving the pill to Ifan "It'll tell us whats going on."
"There has to be some mistake. There's no way I'm Ianto. It's impossible." Ifan says staring up at jack
"... Well Ifan. I like impossible."
Ifan sighs and takes the pill without any water
It tates pleasently fruity. It tatses familiar. Hes sure hes tatsed that before.
"Anything yet?" Jack says watching him
"I dunno.... I can see something.... Its... Us." Ifan frowns a bit and looks at Gwen "Youre there too. And two other people... What did you just give me Jack?"
"Anti-Retcon. thats the best name we came up with. its the exact opposite of retcon. it allows you to remember things you've forgotten
"Jack. Theres a woman. Shes japanese. And a bloke." He smiles" and im wearing that suit i wore to the wedding."
Jack smiles "The cute suit." He chuckles"what else do you remember?"
"We're playing basketball. And The Bloke is winning. I think Gwen and The Woman are on his team." He laughs " And he fell... Hes a Medic. Hes got one of those coats. We win. Youre kissing me." Ifan smiles, but suddenly his face falls "New memory. Its cold, im alone. I can hear voices... so much pain. smells of... grass."
"I wish you didn't have to remember this part." Jack says stroking Ifans hair
"Jack, I can hear them. Theyre laughing. And more voices." he turns to Gwen again "You. and... i can see. Theyre all there. The Woman and The Bloke. He's angry. They's got me. I ca't move. Jack. What happened to me? I dont wnt to remember this. Jack!"
Jack holds onto him "I know you don't but you have to yan. i'm here for you"
"Lisa" He lifts his head suddenly. "Lisa. Jack i remember Lisa. We're shopping work. Torchwood.... only its not." "Jack. He cant remember that. He cant" Gwen was really worried. "I cant stop it." Jack turns to her and then back to Ianto, clinging to him in comfort. Suddenly Ianto looks up at Jack. " killed her..."
"I had to Ianto, She was going to kill you, Owen, Tosh,Gwen and everyone else." Jack holds him in his arms "I had to"
"Okay, Its me... and Jack. Were in the Hub and uhh..." his face fills with red "we're umm... the Stopwatch broke" he frowns and then laughs
Jack chuckles and holds ianto closer to him "Right after that i went out and bought you a new one"
Ianto suddenly notices Gwen's horrified face. "I remember Toshiko, The Woman. And Owen... Twat. I remember them Jack." Gwen's look of horror turns to joy as she flings her self onto the young Welshman, clinging on for life, "Youre back" she laughs happily into his neck "Yes, yes i am."
Jack holds onto Ianto tighter with tears in his eyeS "Ianto I missed you so much."
Ianto laughs happily. but is suddenly gripped by another memory "Its dark again... Im on the floor. Jack. I... I said 'i love you' an-and I cant get out."
"Ianto don't think about it. please don't think about. I'm here right now and thats all that matters" Jack says not wanting him to think about the darkness
"I cant remember anthing after that..." he smiles at Jack though his eyes are filled with tears. "Jack..." Ianto burts into tears. Jack holds him. Gwen leaves, Phoning Rhys on her way out.
Jack holds him in his arms "Shh. everythings going to be ok now. your hear with me right now and thats all that matters:"
"Jack...When we were on the floor. Before the darkness, I said 'i love you'... i cant remember what you said..."
Jack runs a hand through his hair "I didn't say anything." he sighs a bit
Ianto pulls away a little "You dont..."
"If i said that, I would have felt like you were leaving me Ianto. But I do lo....Trust me Ianto i do."
Ianto sniffs through his sobs and whispers "I Love You, Jack... I always have."
Jack holds Ianto close to him, not wanting to let go "I-I Lov....." Jack sighs a bit now with tears running down his face "I love you Ianto Jones"
Ianto pulls closer to Jack breathes heavily. "Jack... How did I... I mean... I was dead.... That tends to be permenant..."
"I don't know Ianto. Do you remember coming back at all?" Jack says stroking iantos hair
"Sort of" Ianto sighs "Its kinda like a dream... i remember being in the room with you, then nothing until... wait I rember something. I woke up and i couldnt remember anything from the night before and... and i sort of walked around the bay for a while. I wasnt in these clothes... and i just... i remember everything, i had a life. i remembered a family that didnt even exist... and forgot my real one" he sighs sadly.
"Well your back now Ianto. We can find your family and tell them your alive. Even though they might not believe it because its been 5 years, but everything will be ok now" Jack says holding ianto close to him
"I cant beleive i missed my neice and nephew all that time. I couldnt even remember then, Jack.... What should I tell them...about how i came back?"
"Well tell them that you were always alive but that day someone poisioned you and you had amnesia. That basically is the truth"
"Okay... but you know its more complicated than that, right? Or is this a some-things-better-left-unknown thing?" Ianto sighed
"I think its Some-things-better-left-alone. But if you want I can reaserch what happened after the 456 left"
"Its okay Jack. Im here now... I think iI should go see Rhi now."
Jack nods "Do you want me to come with you?"
"Yeh. Rhi gets mad easil and I dont think I could face her alone." he chuckled wiping a tear from his eye.
Jack smiles and helps Ianto up "Everything will be ok now.I'm here for you"
torchwood gwen jack children of earth